Address: Rt 1 Box 113-A, Blackwater, VA 24221
Service: Welding, Handyman
License: Virginia #2705060472
Address: Rt 1 Box 553, Pennington Gap, VA 24290
Service: Home Repair, Hvac, Refrigeration
License: Virginia #2705105941
Type:Refrigeration Ref
Address: PO Box 774, Pennington Gap, VA 24290
Phone: (276) 546-5564
Service: Electrical, Home Builders, Hvac, Plumbing, General Contractors, Sewers
License: Virginia #2705030486
Type:Building, Electrical, Gas Fitting, Hvac, Plumbing, Sewage Disposal Systems
Address: Rt 4 Box 4632, Jonesville, VA 24271
Service: General Contractors, Sewers
License: Virginia #2705021171
Type:Highway, Sewage Disposal Systems
Address: Rt 2 Box 2061, Jonesville, VA 24271
Service: Landscaping, Excavation, Sewers
License: Virginia #2705125150
Type:Highway, Landscaping, Sewage Disposal Systems
Address: 102 Holly Lane, Dryden, VA 24244
Service: General Contractors, Paving, Masonry, Remodeling, Concrete
License: Virginia #2705105240
Type:Masonry Contracting, Concrete Contracting, Farm Improvement, Home Improveme
Address: PO Box 642, Jonesville, VA 24271
Service: Fire Protection
License: Virginia #2705071746
Type:Fire Suppression Fsp
Address: Rt 1 Box 35, Dryden, VA 24243
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Painting, Masonry, Roofing, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete, Landscape Architecture
License: Virginia #2705116618
Type:Commercial Improvment Cic,Concrete Cem,Equipment / Machinery Emc,Home Improvement Hic,Landscape Service Lsc,Masonry Brk,Painting And Wall Covering Ptc,Roofing Roc,Sewage Disposal Systems Sds
Address: PO Box 382, Dryden, VA 24243
Service: Welding, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Commercial Contracting, General Contractors
License: Virginia #2705015082
Type:Commercial Improvment Cic,Home Improvement Hic
Address: Route 4 Box 225, Jonesville, VA 24263
Service: Handyman, Septic, Sewers
License: Virginia #2705033663
Type:Sewage Disposal Systems
Address: Rt 2 Box 867, Jonesville, VA 24263
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Irrigation, Landscaping, Excavation, Sewers
License: Virginia #2705050189
Type:Building, Highway/Heavy, Sewage Disposal Systems, Landscape Irrigation
Address: Rt 1 Box 288, Dryden, VA 24244
Service: Landscaping, Handyman, Irrigation, Excavation
License: Virginia #2705118301
Type:Machinery Installation, Highway, Lanscape Irrigation Contractin, Landscapin
Address: Rt 4 Box 786, Jonesville, VA 24263
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Remodeling, Fences, Commercial Contracting
License: Virginia #2705047619
Type:Commercial Improvement, Home Improvement, Farm Improvement
Address: 210 Old Hwy 66, Rogersville, TN 37857
Phone: (423) 393-1114
Service: Electrical, Energy Efficiency
License: Tennessee #12377
Type:Limited Licensed Electricians
Address: PO Box 332, Rogersville, TN 37857
Phone: (423) 293-0061
Service: Fences
License: Tennessee #57549
Address: 34791 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Jonesville, VA 24263
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Plumbing, Electrical, Sewers
License: Virginia #2701024738
Address: 153 Fleenortown Rd, Jonesville, VA 24271
Phone: (276) 346-1227
Service: Foundations, Concrete, Excavation, Grading
License: North Carolina #70373
Type:H Grading & Excavating, Limited
Address: PO Box 8, Kenvir, KY 40847
Service: Swimming Pools
License: Virginia #2705034642
Address: 7980 Sugar Run Road, Jonesville, VA 24263
Service: Fences, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, General Contractors, Landscape Architecture
License: Virginia #2705080789
Type:Commercial Improvment Cic,Farm Improvement Fic,Highway / Heavy H/H,Home Improvement Hic,Landscape Service Lsc,Sewage Disposal Systems Sds
Address: PO Box 786, Jonesville, VA 24263
Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Irrigation, Remodeling, Landscaping
License: Virginia #2705058547
Type:, And Quothighway/Heavy And Quot, And Quotlandscape Service And Quot, And Quotlandscape Irrigation And Quot, And Quothome Improvement And Quot
Address: Rt 1 Box 575-A1, Jonesville, VA 24271
Service: Concrete, Paving, Masonry, Remodeling
License: Virginia #2705106327
Type:Masonry Contracting, Concrete Contracting, Home Improvements
Address: 628 Third Street, Jonesville, VA 24263
Service: Mechanical, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Hvac, Heating, Commercial Contracting, Electrical, General Contractors
License: Virginia #2705075378
Type:Commercial Improvment Cic,Electrical Ele,Heating Ventilation And Air Conditioning Hva,Home Improvement Hic,Refrigeration Ref
Address: 354 Clayton Myers Rd, Pennington Gap, VA 24277
Service: Sewers
License: Virginia #2705134997
Type:Highway / Heavy H/H,Sewage Disposal Systems Sds
Address: Route 642 Old Woodway Rd, Pennington Gap, VA 24277
Service: Masonry, Carpentry, Stone
License: Virginia #2701013377
Type:Highway / Heavy H/H
Address: Rt 2 Box 564A, Pennington Gap, VA 24290
Service: Electrical, Hvac, Refrigeration
License: Virginia #2705014970
Address: 42661 Wilderness Road, Pennington Gap, VA 24277
Service: Hvac, Home Builders, Heating, Plumbing, Electrical, General Contractors, Mechanical
License: Virginia #2705074448
Address: 196 Masons Trail, Pennington Gap, VA 24277
Service: Masonry, Commercial Contracting, General Contractors
License: Virginia #2705158327
Type:Commercial Building (Cbc), Residential Building (Rbc)
Date Issued:10-08-2015
Address: Rt 3 Box 229, Pennington Gap, VA 24290
Service: General Contractors, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Landscaping, Sewers
License: Virginia #2705088074
Type:Equipment / Machinery Emc,Highway / Heavy H/H,Landscape Service Lsc,Sewage Disposal Systems Sds
Address: Rt 2 Box 187 C, Pennington Gap, VA 24277
Service: General Contractors, Remodeling, Sewers
License: Virginia #2705120077
Type:Home Improvement Hic