Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Mechanical Contractors in Wellford, SC

Address: 190 Simmons Dr, Wellford, SC 29385

Phone: (864) 439-1070

Service: Electrical, Mechanical

License: South Carolina #36465


Address: 165 Barnwell Dr, Wellford, SC 29385

Phone: (864) 414-6815

Service: Mechanical, Plumbing

License: North Carolina #21237


Type:Plumbing Class I

Address: 329 Tracy Court, Wellford, SC 29385

Phone: (864) 439-2915

Service: Electrical, Mechanical

License: South Carolina #CLM101205


Type:Mechanical Contractor El5 - Electrical With A Project $Unlimited

Address: 1750 Fort Prince Blvd, Wellford, SC 29385

Phone: (864) 439-2555

Service: Plumbing, Mechanical

License: South Carolina #CLM2234


Type:Mechanical Contractor Pb3 - Plumbing With A Project Limit Of $50,000

Address: 1825 Fort Prince Blvd, Wellford, SC 29385

Service: Mechanical, Handyman

License: South Carolina #25464


All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.