Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Landscaping Contractors in Mooreville, MS

Address: 104 Cr 1457, Mooreville, MS 39041

Phone: (662) 844-9766

Service: General Contractors, Tree Service

License: Mississippi #09054


Type:Highway, Street And Bridge Construction

Address: 2796 Highway 178 East, Tupelo, MS 38804

Phone: (662) 842-1900

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Tree Service

License: Mississippi #05499 MC


Type:Building Construction

Address: 4239 Westside Drive, Tupelo, MS 38801

Phone: (662) 842-4245

Service: Landscaping, Foundations, Handyman, Irrigation, Concrete, Grading

License: Mississippi #09052 SC


Type:Irrigation Systems

Address: Post Office Box 3821, Tupelo, MS 38801

Phone: (662) 841-9478

Service: Landscaping, Irrigation

License: Mississippi #15855 SC


Type:Irrigation Systems

Address: P.o. Boz 2127, Tupelo, MS 38803

Phone: (662) 844-6539

Service: Landscaping, Foundations, Concrete

License: Mississippi #20942-SC


Type:Athletic Fields/Golf Courses, Erosion Control, Irrigation Systems, Landscaping, Grading, Beautification

Address: Post Office Box 3821, Tupelo, MS 38803

Phone: (662) 841-9478

Service: Landscaping, Foundations, Irrigation, Concrete, Grading

License: Mississippi #15855-SC


Type:Irrigation Systems, Landscaping, Grading, Beautification

Address: PO Box 1366, Tupelo, MS 38802

Phone: (662) 844-3331

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Tree Service, Commercial Contracting, Demolition

License: Louisiana #49158


Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law, Heavy Construction, Highway, Street And Bridge Construction, Municipal And Public Works Construction, Specialty Demolishing Work

Address: 1910 Simpson Dr., Tupelo, MS 38804

Phone: (662) 231-2782

Service: Landscaping

License: Mississippi #20694-SC


Type:Irrigation Systems, Landscaping, Grading, Beautification

Address: PO Box 254, Tupelo, MS 38802

Phone: (662) 844-6555

Service: Landscape Architecture, Landscaping, Custom Home Design


Type:Landscape Architect

Address: PO Box 254, Tupelo, MS 38802

Phone: (662) 844-6555

Service: Landscape Architecture, Landscaping, Custom Home Design


Type:Landscape Architects

Address: 105 Court St, Tupelo, MS 38804

Phone: (662) 844-1822

Service: Architecture, Landscaping, Custom Home Design

Address: PO Box 7066, Tupelo, MS 38802

Phone: (662) 840-8062

Service: Architecture, Landscaping, Custom Home Design



Address: 533 West Main St., Tupelo, MS 38804

Service: Architecture, Lighting, Landscaping, Landscape Architecture, Low Voltage Systems



Date Issued:10-16-2015

Address: 830 S. Gloster Street, Tupelo, MS 38801

Phone: (662) 377-3922

Service: Landscape Architecture, Bathroom Remodeling, Landscaping, Custom Home Design


Type:Landscape Architect

Address: 4239 Westside Drive, Tupelo, MS 38801

Phone: (662) 842-4245

Service: Landscape Architecture, Landscaping, Custom Home Design


Type:Landscape Architect

Address: 300 West Main St., Tupelo, MS 38802

Phone: (662) 842-4521

Service: Landscape Architecture, Landscaping, Custom Home Design


Type:Landscape Architect

Address: 105 Court Street, Tupelo, MS 38804

Phone: (662) 844-1822

Service: Landscape Architecture, Landscaping, Custom Home Design


Type:Landscape Architect

Address: Post Office Box 3726, Tupelo, MS 38803

Phone: (662) 295-9002

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Tree Service

License: Mississippi #03228 MC


Type:Building Construction

Address: 812 Main Street West, Fulton, MS 39041

Phone: (601) 862-2527

Service: General Contractors, Tree Service

License: Mississippi #11006


Type:Highway, Street And Bridge Construction

Address: Post Office Box 853, Verona, MS 39041

Phone: (662) 891-0408

Service: General Contractors, Tree Service

License: Mississippi #05822


Type:Highway, Street And Bridge Construction

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.