Address: 329 Emert Road, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 442-6826
Service: Tree Service
HIC #:PA121920
Type:Full Tree Service Stump-Grinding, Lot Clearing, Tree Trimming And Removal, Storm Clean-Up, Snow Removal, And Powerline Clearing
Date Issued:02-07-2016
Address: 122 East First St, Gray, PA 15544
Phone: (814) 701-8979
Service: General Contractors, Interior Design, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Landscaping, Landscape Architecture
HIC #:PA065209
Type:Construction/ Repair/ Replacement Of Doors, Windows, Siding, Insulation, Porches, Decks, Retaining Walls, Landscaping, Roofing, Soffit- Fascia, As Well As Interior Renovations.
Address: 117 E Second Street, Gray, PA 15544
Phone: (814) 701-5100
Service: Excavation, Foundations, Hardscape, Kitchen Remodeling, Outdoor Kitchens, Patios, Landscaping, Concrete, Demolition, General Contractors, Landscape Architecture, Water Features, Engineering
HIC #:PA123840
Type:General Excavation Services, Sewer, Water, Drainage, Foundations, Footers, Pole Barns, Driveway, Walks, Patios, Retaining Walls, Concrete, Land Clearing, Demolition, Grass (Standard And Hydro Seed), Hardscape, Brick And Block, Outdoor Kitchen And Living S
Date Issued:04-19-2016
Address: 570 Berlin Plank Road, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 445-7028
Service: Home Builders, Retaining Walls, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Exteriors, Landscaping, Walls
HIC #:PA005038
Type:Landscaping Service, Mowing, Retaining Walls And Paver Systems, Regular Upkeep To Homes Exterior.
Address: 750 Main Street, Boswell, PA 15531
Phone: (814) 483-9021
Service: Handyman, Painting, Plumbing, Landscaping, Electrical, General Contractors, Landscape Architecture
HIC #:PA123232
Type:This Company Will Be A Handyman Company And Will Do Electrical Work, Plumbing, Miner Construction, Landscaping, Snow Removal And Limited Painting.
Date Issued:03-29-2016
Address: 135 Whitetail Rd, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 445-6988
Service: Landscaping, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Lawn Care
HIC #:PA047513
Type:Landscape Gardening.
Address: 199 Griffith Road, Boswell, PA 15601
Phone: (814) 442-6649
Service: Landscaping, Handyman
HIC #:PA043223
Type:Landscaping And Snow Plowing
Address: Somerset, PA
Service: Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Landscaping
HIC #:LA002677
Type:Landscape Architect, Landscape Architects
Address: 119 Augustine Rd, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 443-3971
Service: Interior Design, Bathroom Remodeling, Tree Service, Landscaping, Design, Cabling
HIC #:PA086326
Type:Complete Care Of Trees And Shrubs. Pruning, Removals, Cabling And Bracing, Diagnosis, Fertilization, Planting And Design. Highest Professional Standards.35 Years Experience.
Address: Somerset, PA
Service: Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Landscaping, Custom Home Design
HIC #:21AS00093900
Type:Landscape Architecture
Address: 238 E Church St, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 521-9587
Service: Landscaping
HIC #:PA115399
Address: 1380 Sheep Ridge Rd, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 418-6398
Service: Lawn Care
Address: 1606 Ridgeview Dr, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 521-1070
Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Hauling, Mulching, Remodeling, Fences, Landscaping
HIC #:PA108501
Type:General Contractor, Installation, Handyman Services, Laborer And Remodeling. Hauling Under 26,001 Lbs, General Landscaping, Mowing, Mulching, Etc. Can Install Fencing.
Address: 113 Fuller St Apt 2, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 443-1048
Service: Landscaping, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Tree Service
HIC #:PA101207
Type:Landscaping And Tree Service
Address: 739 Briar Patch Rd, Somerset, PA 15601
Phone: (814) 445-8692
Service: Landscaping
HIC #:PA017561
Type:Landscape Contractor
Address: 612 Whitetail Rd, Somerset, PA 15601
Phone: (814) 445-7691
Service: Landscaping, Handyman, Hauling, Lawn Care
HIC #:PA035709
Type:Hauling, Lawn Care, Landscaping, Clean-Up (Yards And Garages).
Address: 1027 Pleasant Hill Road, Somerset, PA 15601
Phone: (814) 445-2193
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Landscaping, Excavation, Demolition
HIC #:PA050818
Type:Excavating,Landscaping, Demolition And Removal Of Buildings
Address: 264 Kimmel Road, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 233-6607
Service: General Contractors, Lawn Care, Remodeling
HIC #:PA101646
Type:Lawn Care And Home Remodeling
Address: 3894 Coxes Creek Rd, Somerset, PA 15601
Phone: (814) 444-9600
Service: Landscaping
HIC #:PA002821
Type:Landscape And Seeding Contractor
Address: 110 South Humberson Drive, Somerset, PA 15601
Phone: (814) 444-0343
Service: Landscaping, Handyman
HIC #:PA010765
Type:Landscaping, Mowing, Snow Removal.
Address: 102 Baer Ridge Rd, Somerset, PA 15601
Phone: (814) 443-2082
Service: Landscaping, Retaining Walls, Patios, Walls, Walkways
HIC #:PA017375
Type:All Phases Of Landscaping Including Retaining Walls, Walkways, Patios, Garden Ponds And Lawn Services.
Address: 125 Pikeview Drive, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 442-9800
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Home Repair, Trim, Tree Service, Plumbing, Remodeling, Landscaping
HIC #:PA009018
Type:I Have Been Working In Most All Home And Yard Improvement, Earthmoving, Carpentry, Tree Services, General Hauling, Lawncare, Painting, Plumbing, Snow Removal, Making Homes Safe And Secure To Help Landlords And Homeowner Get And Maintain Tenants And Home O
Address: 248 West Fairveiw St, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 442-8214
Service: Landscaping, Cleaning
HIC #:PA066704
Type:Clean Up Sevice, Yard Work, Professional Organzation
Address: 346 W Main Street, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 445-6682
Service: Painting, Handyman, Home Repair, Lawn Care, Interior Painting, Roofing
HIC #:PA105987
Type:A. Interior Painting And Apartment Repairs. Lawn Service, Roofing