Address: 221 Kuehn Drive, Trafford, PA 15085
Phone: (412) 350-9808
Service: Painting, Staining, Home Repair, Drywall, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors
HIC #:PA082852
Type:Interior And Exterior Painting And Staining As Well As Drywall Repair.
Address: PO Box 613, Monroeville, PA 15146
Phone: (412) 377-5600
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Hardwood, Tile, Handyman, Gutters, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Carpets, Interior Painting, Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors, Commercial Contracting, Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning, Chimney, Home Inspections, Walls
HIC #:PA095859
Type:-Heavy Duty Truck- Mount Carpet Cleaning-All Interior/Exterior Cleaning And Maintenance-Hardwood, Tile, Carpet Repair And Instalations-Residential Painting And Remodeling Service-Gutter Cleaning, Maintenance And Installations-Commercial, Office, Restauran
Address: 1208 Eagles Nest Ln, Monroeville, PA 15146
Phone: (412) 513-9793
Service: Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks
HIC #:PA027093
Type:Residential Painting. Interior And Exterior. Decks Pressure Washed And Stained/Sealed
Address: 356 Greensburg Pike, North Versailles, PA 15137
Phone: (412) 824-8262
Service: Painting, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors, Power Washing
HIC #:PA091210
Type:Interior And Exterior Painting, Powerwashing
Address: PO Box 127, Larimer, PA 15647
Phone: (724) 382-5052
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Staining, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Handyman, Gutters, Home Maintenance, Drywall, Doors, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Painting, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Siding, Windows, Power Washing, Plastering, Floor Refinishing, Soffits, Fascia, Interior/Exterior PaintingnResidential/Commercial PaintingnRoofing/Roof RepairnSidingnSoffit/FacianKitchen RemodelnBathroom RemodelnPlasteringnDrywall
HIC #:PA095839
Type:My Company Is A Painting And Home Remodeling Company That Provides Interior/Exterior Painting, General Maintenance, Staining, Deck Refinishing, Power Washing, Drywall, Plastering, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Ceramic, Flooring, Siding, Soffit, Fascia, Gutters, Ha
Address: 2725 Milburn St, McKeesport, PA 15132
Phone: (412) 414-9022
Service: Painting, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors, Restoration, Project Management
HIC #:PA091877
Type:Project Management. Interior Painting.
Address: 1601 Wesley Street, McKeesport, PA 15146
Phone: (412) 726-9665
Service: Painting, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors, Plastering
HIC #:PA032798
Type:Interior And Exterior Painting, Wallcovering And Plastering
Address: 2406 Collins Street, McKeesport, PA 15132
Phone: (412) 664-4869
Service: Painting, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors
HIC #:PA060179
Type:Interior And Exterior Painting, Wallcovering