Address: 685 South Nixon Road, Pine Grove Mills, PA 16868
Phone: (814) 380-0992
Service: Painting, Drywall, Interior Painting, Commercial Contracting
HIC #:PA053519
Type:Commercial And Residential Painting And Drywall
Address: 200 Amblewood Way, State College, PA 16803
Phone: (814) 954-7235
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Tile, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Painting, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Design
HIC #:PA084181
Type:New Home Construction Home Remodelskitchen And Bath Remodelsinterior And Exterior Paintingdecksroofing Sidingtile Work
Address: 2035 Mary Ellen Ln, State College, PA 16803
Phone: (814) 360-7876
Service: General Contractors, New Construction, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Handyman, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Demolition, Electrical, Construction, Window & Door Installation, Deliveries
HIC #:PA075048
Type:Handyman services and home improvements.
Address: 109 Westwood Cir, State College, PA 16803
Phone: (814) 360-4780
Service: Painting, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors
HIC #:PA096353
Type:Interior And Exterior Painting
Address: 291 Easterly Parkway, State College, PA 16801
Phone: (814) 883-5464
Service: Painting, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Painting, Wallpaper
HIC #:PA028678
Type:Interior Painting Of Your Home Or Business. Wallpaper Removal. Patch And Prep Walls For Painting. Free Estimates.
Address: 1228 Charles St, State College, PA 16801
Phone: (814) 234-0469
Service: General Contractors, Staining, Handyman, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Cleaning
HIC #:PA060303
Type:Provide Interior And Exterior Painting And Light Remodeling Services. Painting Includes All Prep, Priming And Applicaiton Of Paint. Also Staining Of Decks, Including Cleaning, Minor Repairs And Application Of Stains. Light Remodeling Includes Drywall, Var
Address: 1220 Allegheny Street, Julian, PA 16844
Phone: (814) 355-7427
Service: Painting, Drywall, Interior Painting
HIC #:PA049736
Type:Finish Drywall And Do Interior Painting
Address: PO Box 95, Port Matilda, PA 16870
Phone: (814) 692-2220
Service: Painting, Drywall, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors, Commercial Contracting
HIC #:PA085830
Type:Interior And Exterior Painting.Commercial And Residential.Drywall Finishing, Furniture Restore.
Address: 3933 Cold Springs Road, Huntingdon, PA 16662
Phone: (814) 643-0229
Service: Painting, Bathroom Remodeling, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors
HIC #:PA035717
Type:Interior And Exterior Painting
Address: 4945 Gladys Lane, Huntingdon, PA 16662
Phone: (814) 658-2133
Service: Painting, Home Builders, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors, Wallpaper
HIC #:PA051415
Type:Interior And Exterior Painting And Wallpapering
Address: 518 Church St, Huntingdon, PA 16652
Phone: (814) 643-5591
Service: Painting, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors
HIC #:PA068376
Type:Interior And Exterior Painting