Address: 103 Chantilly Lane, Slidell, LA 70458
Phone: (985) 377-2142
Service: Painting, Interior Design, Carpets, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #62230
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Painting And Interior Decorating, Carpeting
Date Issued:10-12-2015
Address: 58471 Pearl Acres Road, Slidell, LA 70461
Phone: (985) 646-1489
Service: Carpentry, Cabinets, Interior Design, Kitchen Remodeling, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #52358
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Carpentry, Specialty Detention Locks, Specialty Furniture, Fixtures, And Institutional & Kitchen Equipment, Specialty Telecommunications, Specialty Tower Construction
Address: 57383 Quail Crossing Road, Slidell, LA 70460
Phone: (985) 707-8555
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Interior Design, Energy Efficiency, Commercial Contracting, Design, Solar
License: Louisiana #55423
Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law, Specialty Solar Energy Equipment
Address: PO Box 983, Slidell, LA 70459
Phone: (985) 643-8250
Service: Interior Design, Handyman, Commercial Contracting, Design
License: Louisiana #50530
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Conveyors
Address: PO Box 983, Slidell, LA 70459
Phone: (985) 643-8250
Service: Interior Design, Handyman
License: Alabama #49905
Type:Rep Reciprocity State Of Louisiana, Sc Conveyor Design, Fabricatrion And Installation
Address: PO Box 983, Slidell, LA 70460
Phone: (985) 643-8250
Service: Interior Design, Handyman, Design
License: Louisiana #50530
Type:Specialty Conveyor Design, Fabrication And Installation
Address: 22164 Mch Road, Mandeville, LA 70471
Phone: (985) 249-9624
Service: Interior Design, Commercial Contracting, General Contractors
License: Louisiana #35478
Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law
Address: 109 Trenton Dr., Mandeville, LA 70471
Phone: (985) 863-8989
Service: General Contractors, Interior Design, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #83110
Type:Residential License, Building Construction, Business And Law, Residential Building Contractor
Address: 2233 Lafayette Avenue, Harvey, LA 70058
Phone: (504) 361-4271
Service: Interior Design, Remodeling
License: Louisiana #556062
Type:Home Improvement Contractor Registration