Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Interior Design Contractors in Livonia, MI

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Interior Design

Woodcraft Design & Build Llc

Address: 16512 Farmington Rd, Livonia, MI 48150

Phone: (734) 756-5640

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Interior Design

License: Michigan #2102204331, CONT-104996


Type:Builder - Company, Contractor

Address: 14268 Hillcrest, Livonia, MI 48154

Phone: (313) 215-3636

Service: Interior Design

License: Michigan #CONT-2205


City:Ann Arbor

Type:Contractor, Contractor

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

License: Michigan #2103077365


Type:M & A - Individual, Painting & Decorating J

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

Address: 39325 Plymouth Rd Ste 210 , Livonia, MI 48150

Phone: (734) 542-9047

Service: Interior Design, Design

Address: 12845 Farmington Road, Livonia, MI 48150

Phone: (734) 427-1040

Service: Painting, Interior Design

License: California #924678


Type:Painting And Decorating

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Home Builders, Interior Design, Design

License: Michigan #2102157396


Type:Builder - Company

Address: 27493 Six Mile, Livonia, MI 48152

Phone: (734) 513-8910

Service: Interior Design

License: Michigan #CONT-1483


City:Ann Arbor

Type:Contractor, Contractor

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Interior Design, Design

Address: 13800 Eckles Road, Livonia, MI 48150

Phone: (734) 464-3800

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Interior Design, Handyman, Paving, Painting, Roofing, Concrete, Engineering

License: California #936751


Type:Concrete Related Services, Roofing, Painting And Decorating, General Building Contractor

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Solar, Interior Design, Energy Efficiency, Design

Address: 12845 Farmington Road, Livonia, MI 48150

Phone: (734) 427-1040

Service: Painting, Interior Design, Carpets, Commercial Contracting

License: Louisiana #36576


Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Painting And Interior Decorating, Carpeting

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

Address: 19821 Farmington Road, Livonia, MI 48152

Phone: (248) 505-0199

Service: Interior Design

License: Michigan #CONT-150153


City:Ann Arbor

Type:Contractor, Contractor

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Carpentry, Interior Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Interior Design, Stone, Masonry, Remodeling, Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Interior Design, Design

License: Michigan #2102193144


Type:Builder - Company

Address: 34150 Hathaway, Livonia, MI 48150

Phone: (734) 637-4627

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, New Construction, Interior Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design, Drywall

License: Michigan #2104191692


Type:M & A - Company, Painting & Decorating (J)

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design, Slate

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

License: Michigan #2103191458


Type:M & A - Individual, Painting & Decorating (J)

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Interior Design, Patios, Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Home Builders, Interior Design, Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

Address: Livonia, MI

Service: Painting, Interior Design

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.