Address: 1696 Orangeville Rd, Hermitage, PA 16148
Phone: (724) 983-1540
Service: Painting, Interior Design, Exteriors, Decks
HIC #:PA065416
Type:Interior/Exterior Painting, Wallpaper Hanging And Removal, Faux Finishes, Textured Ceilings, Pressure Washing Houses And Decks.
Address: 29 Chestnut St Lot 1, West Middlesex, PA 16159
Phone: (724) 877-8259
Service: Interior Design, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Design, General Contractors
HIC #:PA101816
Type:General Contractor Specializing In Kitchen Remodeling
Address: 780 Crestview Drive, Sharpsville, PA 16150
Phone: (724) 699-6169
Service: General Contractors, Interior Design
HIC #:PA054599
Type:Remodeling, Decks, Roofs,Windows,Siding,Bathrooms And Kitchens. I Also Build Garages And Sheds.
Address: 910 Robertson Rd, Hermitage, PA 16148
Phone: (724) 983-1575
Service: Landscaping, Interior Design, Handyman, Tree Service, Custom Closets, Landscape Architecture, Custom Home Design
HIC #:PA030669
Type:Landscape Design, Installation, Lawn Aeration, Plant Re-Wholesaler, Bulk Landscape Materials, Lawn Products
Address: 3647 Hubbard-Middlesex Rd, West Middlesex, PA 16159
Phone: (724) 301-8091
Service: Landscaping, Interior Design, Handyman, Landscape Design, Design, Excavation, Drainage
HIC #:PA047125
Type:Complete Landscape Design, Installation, Drainage And Light Excavation
Address: 3450 Orangeville Rd, Sharpsville, PA 16150
Phone: (724) 962-8101
Service: Interior Design, Handyman, Design
HIC #:PA067897
Type:Design, Installation, Service, And Monitoring Of Commercial And Residential Burglar Alarm, Fire Alarm, And Video Surveilance Systems.
Address: 3415 Ridgewood Drive, Hermitage, PA 16148
Phone: (724) 962-5799
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Flooring, Drywall, Painting, Plumbing, Exteriors, Decks, Siding, Windows, Electrical
HIC #:PA021627
Type:Bathroom Remodels, Kitchen Remodels, Plumbing, Electrical, Drywalling, Siding, Windows, Decks, Interior Painting, Install Interior And Exterior Doors, Trim Work, And Flooring
Address: 102 Baker Ave, Hermitage, PA 16148
Phone: (724) 866-1982
Service: Painting, Interior Design, Drywall
HIC #:PA053362
Type:Interior Painting And Staining, Minor Drywall Repair, Sealcoating
Address: 6222 Saddlebrook Drive, Hermitage, PA 16148
Phone: (724) 346-9119
Service: General Contractors, Architecture, Additions, Interior Design, Remodeling, Lighting, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Landscape Architecture, Engineering
HIC #:LA000730E
Type:Landscape Architect, Landscape Architects
Address: 206 S Crescent Drive, Hermitage, PA 16148
Phone: (724) 813-7014
Service: Landscaping, Retaining Walls, Interior Design, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Landscape Design, Lawn Care, Tree Service, Mulching, Design, Walls
HIC #:PA105207
Type:Lawn Maintenance Including Mowing, Mulching, Retaining Walls, Vegetation Planting And Removal, Small Tree Planting And Removal, Landscape Design, Leaf Removal And Similar Services.
Address: 2921 East State Street, Hermitage, PA 16148
Phone: (724) 981-6610
Service: General Contractors, Interior Design, Design
HIC #:PA102825
Type:Specifying Project Objectives And Plans Including Delineation Of Scope, Budgeting, Scheduling, Setting Performance Requirements, And Selecting Project Participants. Maximizing The Resource Efficiency Through Procurement Of Labor, Materials And Equipment.
Address: 2880 E State St, Hermitage, PA 16148
Phone: (724) 962-1475
Service: Flooring, Interior Design, Handyman, Commercial Contracting, Design
HIC #:PA053104
Type:Retail Sales And Installation Of Floorcoverings.
Address: 736 Karen Lane, Hermitage, PA 16148
Phone: (724) 301-5442
Service: Landscaping, Interior Design, Handyman, Decks, Patios, Design, Pergolas
HIC #:PA080593
Type:Installation Of Decks, Patios, Pergolas, Landscaping, Design Services.
Address: 1969 E State St, Hermitage, PA 16148
Phone: (724) 983-1776
Service: General Contractors, Interior Design, Remodeling, Exteriors, Engineering
HIC #:PA004023
Type:General Residential Exterior And Interior New Construction And Remodeling