Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Heating/cooling Contractors in Scotland Neck, NC

Address: 501 Church Street, Scotland Neck, NC 27874

Phone: (919) 467-4923

Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing

License: North Carolina #07631-L


Type:Limited Classification

Address: 6191 122 N, Hobgood, NC 27843

Phone: (252) 823-1614

Service: Electrical, Hvac

License: North Carolina #14195


Type:Heating Group 3 - Class I

Address: 6191 Hwy. 122 N., Hobgood, NC 27843

Phone: (252) 823-1614

Service: Electrical, Hvac, Heating

License: North Carolina #06903-L


Type:Limited Classification

Address: 2081 Hwy 122, Hobgood, NC 27843

Phone: (252) 826-4664

Service: Hvac, Handyman, Home Repair


Type:Heating Group 3 - Class I

Address: 6191 122 N, Hobgood, NC 27843

Phone: (252) 823-1614

Service: Hvac, Heating

License: North Carolina #14195


Type:Heating Group 3 - Class I

Address: PO Box 23, Roxobel, NC 27872

Phone: (252) 344-7151

Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating

License: North Carolina #07223-SP-PH


Type:Special Restricted Plumbing, Heating And Air Conditioning Classification, Special Restricted Plumbing, Heating And Air Conditioning Classification

Address: 513 Lee St, Rich Square, NC 27869

Phone: (252) 578-2889

Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Heating


Type:Heating Group 3 - Class I, Plumbing Class I

Address: Oak City, NC

Service: Hvac, Commercial Contracting

License: North Carolina #19303


Address: 9926 Justice Branch Rd, Halifax, NC 27839

Phone: (252) 583-0004

Service: Mechanical, Handyman, Hvac, Heating

License: North Carolina #31052


Type:Heating Group 3 - Class I

Address: 9926 Justice Branch Rd, Halifax, NC 27852

Phone: (252) 583-0004

Service: Mechanical, Handyman, Hvac

License: Virginia #2705114652


Address: PO Box 454, Halifax, NC 27839

Phone: (919) 583-2761

Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Heating

License: North Carolina #10708


Type:Heating Group 1 - Class I, Heating Group 3 - Class I, Plumbing Class I

Address: 200 W Jefferson St, Jackson, NC 27845

Phone: (252) 534-6431

Service: Mechanical, Hvac

License: North Carolina #11327


Type:Heating Group 3 - Class I

Address: PO Box 392, Jackson, NC 27845

Phone: (252) 578-1577

Service: Hvac, Heating

License: North Carolina #30346


Type:Heating Group 3 - Class Ii

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.