Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Heating/cooling Contractors in New Hampton, NY

Address: 40 Sunrise Drive, Johnson, NY 10933

Phone: (800) 638-9060

Service: General Contractors, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Hvac, Heating, Fireplaces, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Kitchen Remodeling, Outdoor Kitchens, Roofing, Demolition, Restoration

License: Pennsylvania #PA124734


Type:All Demolition and Construction, Roofing, Plumbing and Heating, HVAC, Waterproofing, Sewer Drains, French Drains, Basement Pump Outs, Sump Pumps, Sewer Ejectors, Septic Tanks, Fire and Flood Specialists, Complete Chimney Service, Kitchen and Baths, Barn a

Date Issued:05-25-2016

Address: 129 Denton Hill Road, New Hampton, NY 10958

Service: Hvac

Address: 1910 Rte 211 East, Middletown, NY 10941

Phone: (845) 695-2990

Service: Hvac, Handyman, Air Conditioning, Heating, Plumbing

License: Pennsylvania #PA069126


Type:HVAC Installation and service of heating, air conditioning and plumbing.

Address: Florida, NY

Service: Hvac, Heating, Remodeling

License: New Jersey #13VH04601600


Type:Home Improvement Contractors

Address: Otisville, NY

Service: Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Remodeling

License: New Jersey #13VH06573400


Type:Home Improvement Contractors

Address: 36 Wes Warren Drive, Middletown, NY 10941

Service: Hvac, Heating

Address: Otisville, NY

Service: Hvac

License: New Jersey #19HC00650900



Date Issued:10-08-2015

Address: Middletown, NY

Service: Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Remodeling

Address: 1750 Route 211E, Middletown, NY 10941

Phone: (845) 692-5190

Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating


County:Rockland County

Type:Plumbing/Heating/Air Conditioning

Address: Otisville, NY

Service: Hvac, Remodeling

License: New Jersey #13VH05744300


Type:Home Improvement Contractors

Address: PO Box 449, Westtown, NY 10998

Phone: (845) 355-4129

Service: Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating


County:Rockland County

Type:Heating/Air Conditioning

Address: 90 North Street- Suite 105, Middletown, NY 10940

Phone: (845) 343-6650

Service: Hvac

License: Pennsylvania #PA087311


Type:Full Service Heating And Air Conditioning Contractor. Warm Air Furnaces, Boilers, Gas And Oil, Air Conditioning. Residential And Commercial.

Address: 381 North Street, Middletown, NY 10940

Phone: (845) 343-2261

Service: Plumbing, Hvac


County:Rockland County


Address: 71 Hanford Street, Middletown, NY 10940

Phone: (845) 343-7926

Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Heating

License: Pennsylvania #PA101528


Type:Plumbing And Heating Contractor

Address: 52 Beyers Road, Middletown, NY 10941

Phone: (845) 361-9929

Service: Hvac, Heating, Electrical

Address: 449 E Main St, Middletown, NY 10998

Phone: (845) 343-5803

Service: Hvac, Interior Design, Handyman, Heating, Commercial Contracting

License: Pennsylvania #PA109785


Type:CR Wolfe Heating is a business that specializes in providing total indoor comfort to our customers year round. We specialize in residential and commercial HVAC installations and service. Our business includes new construction as well as retrofits for exis

Address: 135 Camp Stadie Road, Middletown, NY 10940

Phone: (845) 234-2976

Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing

Address: 73 Hanford Street, Middletown, NY 10940

Phone: (845) 343-7926

Service: Mechanical, Hvac, Heating, Plumbing

License: Pennsylvania #PA057463


Type:Plumbing And Heating Contractor

Address: 52 Beyers Road, Middletown, NY 10941

Phone: (845) 361-9929

Service: Hvac, Heating


County:Rockland County


Address: 50 Uhlig Road, Middletown, NY 10940

Phone: (917) 757-1442

Service: Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, General Contractors

License: New York #610311


Type:General Contractor - Registered

Address: 23 Woodstock Lane, Middletown, NY 10941

Phone: (845) 920-0284

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Handyman, Hvac, Plumbing, Remodeling, Demolition, Ceilings

License: New York #33332


Address: 135 Camp Stadie Road, Middletown, NY 10940

Phone: (631) 567-6082

Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing


County:Putnam County

Type:Master Plumber, Master Plumber

Address: 50 Bowery Lane, Middletown, NY 10940

Service: Hvac, Heating

Address: 230 Rt 17A Goshen, Goshen, NY 10924

Phone: (845) 294-1010

Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating


County:Orange County

Address: 18 Fort Hill Road, Goshen, NY 10924

Phone: (845) 294-7126

Service: Mechanical, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Plumbing


County:Rockland County

Type:Plumbing/Heating/Air Conditioning

Address: 2002 Route 17M Goshen, Ny 10924, Goshen, NY 10924

Phone: (845) 294-3420

Service: Mechanical, Hvac, Remodeling

License: New York #35761


All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.