Address: Mike Hollenshead, Needmore, PA 17238
Phone: (717) 485-4939
Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Commercial Contracting
HIC #:PA064171
Type:Plumbing Heating And Air Conditioning For Residential And Light Commercial
Address: 207 Dusty Ln, Needmore, PA 17238
Phone: (717) 573-4144
Service: General Contractors, Offices, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Air Conditioning, Alarm Systems
HIC #:PA029311
Type:Build Pole Buildings, Houses, Decks, Garages, Replacement Window, Horse Barns. (Some Remodeling)Repair And Re-Roofing Of Homes And Garages.
Address: 2739 Black Bear Rd, Needmore, PA 17238
Phone: (717) 485-0152
Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Heating
HIC #:WV008398
Type:Hvac, Plumbing
Address: 1499 Thompson Road, Needmore, PA 17238
Service: Hvac, Plumbing
HIC #:19317
Type:Master Plumbergas Fitter Plumbers
Address: 2739 Black Bear Road, Needmore, PA 17240
Phone: (717) 485-0152
Service: Plumbing, Handyman, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating
HIC #:PA011365
Type:residental hvac fabricating metal duct, installing duct, heating and cooling equipment and materials to complete job.