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Heating/cooling Contractors in Ferris, TX

Address: PO Box 65, Ferris, TX 75125

Phone: (214) 564-2457

Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Remodeling, Roofing, Commercial Contracting, Electrical, Miscellaneous, Residential

Address: PO Box 416, Ferris, TX 75125

Phone: (972) 842-5300

Service: General Contractors, Heating, Commercial Contracting, Water Features

License: Louisiana #62827


Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Steam And Hot Water Heating In Buildings Or Plants

Date Issued:04-21-2016

Address: 1625 Fm 664, Ferris, TX 75125

Phone: (972) 754-6775

Service: Hvac

License: Texas #TACLA00016425C


Type:HVAC Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Contractor

Address: 665 Wester Road, Ferris, TX 75125

Phone: (972) 365-0470

Service: Hvac, Lighting

License: Texas #TACLB00020730C


Type:Bc Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Contractor

Address: 118 Jennie Marie Cir, Ferris, TX 75125

Phone: (214) 796-6274

Service: Hvac

License: Texas #20755


Type:HVAC A/C Technician (Certified)

Address: 107 Ewing Blvd , Ferris, TX 75125

Phone: (972) 842-5300

Service: Hvac

Address: 116 Zodiac, Ferris, TX 75125

Phone: (972) 842-8400

Service: Hvac

License: Texas #TACLB00006359C


Type:Bc Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Contractor

Address: 2153 Marshall Road, Waxahachie, TX 75167

Phone: (972) 938-1131

Service: Engineering, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Structural Engineering

License: Texas #TACLA00024673C


Type:HVAC Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Contractor

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.