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Heating/cooling Contractors in Clearfield, PA

Address: 225 Boyer Ave, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 765-5490

Service: Hvac, Heating

HIC #:PA117268


Type:Heating, Cooling Repair And Replacement Also Sheet Metal Shop

Address: 1301 Joseph Road, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 765-7305

Service: Concrete, Carpentry, Hvac, Heating, Plumbing, Windows, Landscaping, Electrical, Landscape Architecture

HIC #:PA105763


Type:HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Carpentry, Heating Services, Electrical Work, Plumbing Repairs, Carpentry Wheel Chair Ramps, Doors Windows, Hand Rails, Easy Turn Faucets and Entry Locks, Passage Locks, Some Concrete Work for Wheel Chair Landings.

Address: 39 Palmer Street, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 765-4166

Service: Hvac, Heating, Water Features

HIC #:PA008345


Type:Install Oil Hot Water And Warm Air Furnaces Also Some Coal Hot Water - Warm Air Furnaces(Heating Contractor)

Address: 2030 Pleasant Lane, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 765-8412

Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing

HIC #:PA053725


Type:Heating And Plumbing Installation, Service, And Repair.

Address: 470 Nelson Road, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 762-3278

Service: Hvac, Heating

HIC #:PA008271


Type:Oil Furnaces And Boilers - Install, Service, Repair, Clean

Address: 2695 Washington Ave, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 577-6343

Service: Plumbing, Heating, Commercial Contracting

HIC #:PA100188


Type:Commercial And Residential Plumbing And Heating

Address: 301 Nichols St, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 765-4903

Service: Hvac, Handyman, Home Repair, Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation

HIC #:PA102818


Type:Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Repair, Replacement And Installation.Duct Work Fabrication And Installation.Boiler Repairs And Installation, Including Gas Line Installation.

Address: 18134 Shawville Croft Hwy, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 765-0919

Service: Handyman, Furnaces

HIC #:PA102018


Type:Dish Network Installation, Hughes Network Installation, Viasat Installation, Outdoor Furnace Sales, Service And Installation

Address: 1105 South Second Street, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 761-4787

Service: Handyman, Home Builders, Home Repair, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Porches, General Contractors

HIC #:PA087669


Type:General handyman repairs and HVAC services. HVAC Lic. 329580348 - I provide reasonable home improvement services, from building porches to painting and plumbing. This is a Christian owned company. I provide the customer with a service and a Gospel track a

Address: 216 Power Ave, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 765-8833

Service: Hvac, Heating, Electrical

HIC #:PA037610


Type:HVAC/electrical geothermal

Address: 207 E Cherry Street, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 765-1551

Service: General Contractors, Hvac, Energy Efficiency, Remodeling

HIC #:PA080443


Type:Non Profit Community Action Agency That Serves Low Income Families. The Weatherization Program Does Home Improvement Energy Efficiency Measures To Save Families Money Needed To Heat And Cool Their Homes.

Address: 911 South Sixth Street, Clearfield, PA 16830

Phone: (814) 577-7310

Service: Handyman, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Plumbing

HIC #:PA069703


Type:Heating, Plumbing, Air Conditioning Installation And Repair Work

Address: 225 Boyer Street, Clearfield, PA 16841

Phone: (814) 765-5490

Service: Hvac, Heating

HIC #:PA008556


Type:Service And Installation Of Oil And Gas Burners.

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.