Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Heating/cooling Contractors in Bedford, PA

Address: 2113 Reynoldsdale Rd, New Paris, PA 15554

Phone: (814) 270-2328

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Handyman, Hvac, Plumbing, Remodeling, Windows, Electrical

HIC #:PA070890


Type:Home Improvement/Weatherization Services (Air sealing, Insulating, Window/Door Replacement, HVAC Improvements, Electrical, Plumbing, Remodeling, Additions, Pole Buildings and Etc.

Address: 226 Cardinal Lane, Bedford, PA 15522

Phone: (814) 356-3505

Service: Hvac, Handyman, Air Conditioning, Heating

HIC #:PA078544


Type:Service,Sales And Installation Of Air Conditiong,Heating,Refridgeration And Hot Water Systems,Commerical Refridgeration

Address: 3505 Bus 220, Bedford, PA 15522

Phone: (814) 623-5857

Service: Plumbing, Heating, Lighting, Commercial Contracting

HIC #:PA031433


Type:Residential And Light Commercial Plumbing And Heating Repair And New Installation.

Address: 461 Rowser Road, New Paris, PA 15601

Phone: (814) 839-0140

Service: Electrical, Hvac, Heating, Refrigeration

HIC #:PA045185


Type:Heating, A/C, Electrical, Refrigeration, Small Excavating, Plumbing

Address: 6231 Alleghney Rd, Manns Choice, PA 15550

Phone: (814) 623-6876

Service: Plumbing, Heating

HIC #:PA003222


Type:Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Geothermal, Heating Oil, Hardware Retailer, Husqvarna

Address: 136 Jimmys Road, New Paris, PA 15554

Phone: (814) 839-2412

Service: Painting, Interior Design, Air Conditioning, Exteriors, Custom Closets, Docks, Custom Home Design, Alarm Systems

HIC #:PA025086


Type:I Refinish Wood, Chairs, Tables, Woodwork, Windows, Doors, I Paint Interior And Exterior Houses, Sheds, Barns, Fences, Furniture, Farm Implements, Tractors, I Do The Prep Work Which Is Usually By Hand. Sanding, Taping, Wiping Walls, Puttying Nail Holes, I

Address: 2447 Quaker Valley Road, New Paris, PA 15554

Phone: (814) 839-0074

Service: Electrical, Hvac, Plumbing

HIC #:PA001310


Type:Gerneral Contractor Service, Plumbing, HVAC, Residential electric

Address: 2594 Madley Hollow Road, Buffalo Mills, PA 15534

Phone: (814) 842-9446

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Flooring, Heating, Plumbing, Roofing, Siding, Electrical

HIC #:PA017855


Type:We Are Independant Contractors With Ttc Commodore Homes Out Of Clarion, Pa And We Do Factory Warranty Service Work - And Residential Construction Including Flooring, Siding/Roofing, Electric, Heating, Ventilation, Dry Wall, Plumbing And Cosmetic Fixes.

Address: 1037 Big Creek Road, Clearville, PA 15535

Phone: (215) 620-7237

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Bathroom Remodeling, Tile, Hvac, Heating, Painting, Plumbing, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling

HIC #:PA117656


Type:Home Improvement.Plumbing, Heating, Kitchen And Bathroom Renovations, Carpentry And Finish. Work (Tile And Painting)

Address: 19001 Breakneck Road, Flintstone, MD 21530

Phone: (301) 478-3338

Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing, Electrical

License: Pennsylvania #PA080257


Type:Heting Airconditionig Plumbing Electrical Contractor

Address: 146 Maple Lane, Schellsburg, PA 15559

Phone: (814) 701-5043

Service: Painting, Hvac, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors, Commercial Contracting

HIC #:PA110116


Type:Interior And Exterior Painting Residental And Commercial

Address: 10121 Mason Dixon View, Flintstone, MD 21530

Service: Hvac


Type:Hvac - Master License

Address: 13421 Scofield Road, N.e., Flintstone, MD 21530

Service: Hvac


Type:Master License HVAC

Address: 211 Old Racetrack Rd, Everett, PA 15601

Phone: (814) 652-2490

Service: Electrical, Handyman, Hvac, Heating, Plumbing, Stone, Masonry

HIC #:PA025156


Type:Electrical, Plumbing, Heating, And Cooling.

Address: PO Box 83, Flintstone, MD 21530

Phone: (301) 777-7017

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Hvac, Paving, Masonry, Concrete, Excavation, Electrical

License: West Virginia #WV008048


Type:Excavation, Masonry, Concrete, Electrical, General Building, HVAC, Multi-Family, Plumbing, Residenti

Address: 668 North Spring St, Everett, PA 15537

Phone: (814) 652-6085

Service: Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Plumbing, Electrical

HIC #:PA029132


Type:Plumbing And Heating A/C And Electrical

Address: 143 Mexico Road, Everett, PA 15537

Phone: (814) 623-1288

Service: Handyman, Carpentry, Framing, Heating, Plumbing, Siding, Landscaping, Concrete, Electrical, Landscape Architecture

HIC #:PA006384


Type:All Phases- Plumbbing-Heating-Framing Finish-Concrete-Electrical-Siding And Landscaping

Address: 180 Berks Road, Everett, PA 15537

Phone: (814) 652-9491

Service: Excavation, Home Builders, Additions, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Hardscape, Hvac, Heating, Plumbing, Remodeling, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Landscaping, Concrete, Electrical, General Contractors, Landscape Architecture

HIC #:PA036455


Type:Concrete,Construction,Electrical,Plumbing,Roofing,House Building And Repair,Landscaping To Include Hardscape Work And Retaining Walls. Excavating On A Small Scale.Remodeling To Include Siding And Windows And Doors As Well As Interior. In Short Everything

Address: 128 West South St, Everett, PA 15537

Phone: (814) 652-0008

Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Hvac

HIC #:PA098801


Type:This Business Services Chimneys And Vents. I Inspect, Evaluate, Repair, Rebuild, Clean And Reline, Install Caps And Anything Else That Has To Do With Chimneys Or Vents For Any Type Of Heating Appliance.

Address: 147 Glory Farm Lane, Everett, PA 15537

Phone: (814) 652-9175

Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing

HIC #:PA004575


Type:We Supply And Install Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing Systems, As Well As Service Them.

Address: 17 East Asa Street, Everett, PA 15537

Phone: (814) 652-6881

Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing

HIC #:PA007593


Type:Installation And Repairs Of Plumbing, Heating, And Air Conditioning.

Address: 8434 Black Valley Road, Everett, PA 15537

Phone: (814) 652-2537

Service: General Contractors, Interior Design, Handyman, Hvac, Plumbing, Outdoor Kitchens

HIC #:PA026397


Type:We are a small family owned and operated HVAC, Plumbing and Central Vacuum company. Specializing in YORK brand products. We are also the local Natures Comfort Outdoor Boiler dealer. We can provide new construction installations and design, existing equipm

Address: 1137 Lutzville Rd, Everett, PA 15537

Phone: (814) 623-6600

Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing

HIC #:PA017381


Type:Installation Of Plumbing, Heating, And Air Conditioning Equipment

Address: 215 Nunnery Lane, Everett, PA

Phone: (814) 979-3042

Service: Flooring, Hardwood, Air Conditioning, Welding, Alarm Systems

HIC #:PA121051


Type:We Are A Hardwood Flooring Manufacturer. We Also Install And Refinish Hardwood Floors.

Date Issued:12-18-2015

Address: 1948 Raystown Rd, Everett, PA 15537

Phone: (814) 652-2273

Service: Handyman, Heating, Plumbing, Electrical

HIC #:PA124190


Type:Heating, Electrical And Plumbing Repairs

Date Issued:05-02-2016

Address: 1011 Upper Snake Spring Rd, Everett, PA 15537

Phone: (814) 652-9221

Service: Electrical, Hvac, Plumbing

HIC #:PA006495


Type:Installation and service for Electrical, Plumbing, and HVAC.

Address: PO Box 376, Hyndman, PA 15545

Service: Hvac


Type:Master License HVAC

Address: 167 Shady Lane, Hyndman, PA 15545

Service: Hvac


Type:Hvac - Master License

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.