Address: 17 Bad Dog Road, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 591-7545
Service: Plumbing, Interior Design, Handyman, Heating
HIC #:PA122210
Type:Rv And Camper Interior Plumbing, Heating, Cooling And Handyman Services, Lawn Maitenance
Date Issued:02-22-2016
Address: 328 Rumbarger Av, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (760) 553-3207
Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Heating, Remodeling
HIC #:PA116296
Type:Plumbing Heating Home Improvement
Address: 151 Sylvan Heights Drive, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 771-2586
Service: Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Hvac, Heating, Lighting, Commercial Contracting
HIC #:PA031735
Type:HVAC installerInstall heating and air conditioning systems in homes and light commerical work
Address: 308 Spring Ave, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 375-9989
Service: General Contractors, Architecture, Interior Design, Heating, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical
HIC #:PA008655
Type:Architectural Design, Construction, Plumbing, Heating, Mechanical, Electrical,
Address: 705 Dubois Street, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 371-3915
Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing
HIC #:PA027451
Type:Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Plumbing, Appliances Service Contractor And Dealer
Address: 404 Du Bois St, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 591-7597
Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing, Water Features
HIC #:PA022812
Type:Plumbing And Heating Installation And Repair.Water And Sewer Line Installation And Repair.Backhoe Services.
Address: 670 Treasure Lake, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 371-2838
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Heating, Plumbing, Masonry, Remodeling, Roofing, Siding, Electrical
HIC #:PA005945
Type:Build Homes-Remodel Homes- Plumbing And Electrical-Heating-Masonry Work-Siding-Fascia-Soffit-Roofing
Address: 1853 Treasure Lake Rd, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 371-1721
Service: Plumbing, Heating, Water Features
HIC #:PA066331
Type:Install,Service,Repair Plumbing Equipment Install Water, Sewer, Drain Lines Install Energy Efficient Heating Systems And Equipment
Address: 1578 Treasure Lake, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 375-9587
Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing, Electrical
HIC #:PA051346
Type:Service And Installing Heating And Air Componts Also Plumbing And Electrical
Address: 221 Midway Drive, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 371-2270
Service: Hvac, Heating, Plumbing
HIC #:PA035960
Type:Plumbing-Install And Repairheating-Install And Repairair Conditioning-Install And Repairwell Pumps-Install And Repair
Address: 101 Merris Ave, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 661-9294
Service: Plumbing, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Cleaning, Sewers
HIC #:PA102678
Type:24 Hr Plumbing Heating And Cooling Maintance Company. 24 Hr Sewer And Drain Cleanning.
Address: 36 Mclane Ave, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 603-2703
Service: Electrical, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Hvac, Heating, Home Alarms, Lighting, Wiring, Ceilings, Fans
HIC #:PA083910
Type:Residential Wiring (Old And New), Efficiency Base Board Heating, Motion Detector Security Lighting, Dimmers/Switches, Install Panels/Circuits 120/240 Volt, Receptacle 120/240 Volt, Door Bells, Chimes, Fans, Ceilings, Exhaust, Bathrooms, Whole House, Washe
Address: 324 Treasure Lake, Du Bois, PA 15801
Phone: (814) 375-5602
Service: Plumbing, Handyman, Hvac, Heating
HIC #:PA072757
Type:Install Complete Plumbing And Heating Systems.
Address: 5771 Bee Line Hwy, Du Bois, PA 15901
Phone: (814) 375-0557
Service: Hvac, Handyman, Air Conditioning, Heating
HIC #:PA073696
Type:Ardee 2 Heating Service Is Engaged In The Service Of Heating And Cooling Equipment, Primarily Of Comestic Units, As Well As Installation And Replacement Of Home Heating And Air Conditioning Equipment.