Address: 11775 Rt 422 Hwy East, Penn, PA 15765
Phone: (724) 463-3646
Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Paving, Painting, Plumbing, Landscaping, Concrete, Electrical, Mechanical
HIC #:PA116526
Type:Business Handles A Variety Of Repairs , Construction,Property Maintenance,Painting,Pressure Washing ,Excavating,Landscaping,Snow Removal,As Well As Mechanical, Plumbing,Electrical,And Concrete
Address: 413 Victor St, Penn, PA 15675
Phone: (724) 953-7766
Service: Windows, Handyman, Doors, Remodeling
HIC #:PA015377
Type:Window And Door Installation And Home Improvement.
Address: 2 Eleventh Street, Penn, PA 15675
Phone: (724) 527-2261
Service: Landscaping, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Lawn Care, Walls
HIC #:PA006104
Type:We Provide The Following Services Landscaping Maintenance, Lawn Mowing, Vovsa-Lok Walls, Irrigation, Fencing, Excavation, Hydro Seeding, Erosion Control And Pavement Maintenance.
Address: 1076 Bert Cir, Penn, PA 15675
Phone: (724) 331-4825
Service: Handyman, Plumbing, Remodeling, Decks, Windows, Electrical, General Contractors, Sheds
HIC #:PA027175
Type:A Full Services Handyman Service. Plumbing, Electrical, Remodeling, Replacement Windows, Decks, Sheds.
Address: 4 Depot Street, Penn, PA 15675
Phone: (724) 523-4300
Service: Exteriors, Commercial Contracting, Cleaning, Pressure Washing
HIC #:PA078898
Type:Exterior Pressure Washing.
Address: 707 Harrison Avenue, Penn, PA 15675
Phone: (724) 244-8851
Service: Landscaping, Home Builders, Interior Design, Hardscape, Handyman, Trim, Lawn Care, Tree Service, Mulching, Patios, Cleaning, Design, Walls, Snow Removal
HIC #:PA077388
Type:Lavelle Landscaping Provides Full Landscaping Services Includingmowing And Lawn Maintenancemulchinglandscape Designshrub Trimming And Installsminor Tree Pranninginstallation Of Retaining Walls We Also Offer Full Snow Removal Services For The Winter Months
Address: PO Box 6, Penn, PA 15675
Phone: (724) 552-5967
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, New Construction, Handyman, Gutters, Doors, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Garages, Sheds, Soffits
HIC #:PA091806
Type:New Construction, Window And Door Installations, Siding, Soffit And Facia, Gutters, Roofing, Decks, Sheds And Garages.