Address: 10042 Railroad Street, Lake City, PA 16423
Phone: (814) 384-8349
Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Hvac, Remodeling, Commercial Contracting, Welding
HIC #:PA107004
Type:Residential and Commercial Construction and Remodeling and HVAC and Welding services
Address: 2475 Main Street, Lake City, PA 16423
Phone: (814) 397-0599
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Handyman, Engineering
HIC #:PA067830
Type:Home And Building Contracting And General Handyman Services.
Address: 2665 Acorn Drive, Lake City, PA 16423
Phone: (814) 434-1442
Service: Roofing, Handyman, Asphalt, General Contractors
HIC #:PA108518
Type:General Roofing Installing Asphalt Shingle And Asphalt Materials
Address: 267 Edge Park Dr, Lake City, PA 16423
Phone: (814) 774-2419
Service: Hvac, Handyman, Air Conditioning, Heating, Furnaces
HIC #:PA050894
Type:Furnace And Air Conditioning Installation And Service.
Address: 2170 Rice Ave, Lake City, PA 16423
Phone: (814) 774-2034
Service: Handyman
HIC #:PA082957
Type:Authorized Kohler Power Systems Dealer. Sales, Service And Installation Of Emergency Generators.
Address: 1155 Lake Street, Lake City, PA 16423
Phone: (207) 299-5875
Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Hvac, Remodeling
HIC #:PA075672, PA075672
Type:I Will Be Contracting For Sears Home Improvements Installing And Servicing Hvac And Boiler Systems., I will be contracting for Sears Home Improvements installing and servicing HVAC and boiler systems.
Address: 1160 Ailes Ave, Lake City, PA 16423
Phone: (814) 490-3052
Service: Flooring, Handyman
HIC #:PA090300
Type:Floor Covering
Address: 10265 Dunn Ave, Lake City, PA 16423
Phone: (814) 474-1660
Service: Home Builders, Handyman
HIC #:PA083680
Type:Install Water Treatment In Homes And Business
Address: 10348 North Park Dr Lake City,Pa 16423, Lake City, PA 16423
Phone: (814) 392-9633
Service: Swimming Pools, Handyman
HIC #:PA125259
Type:Above Ground And Inground Swimming Pool Service Maintenance And Repair
Date Issued:06-17-2016