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Handyman Contractors in Kimberton, PA

Address: 2177 Kimberton Rd, Kimberton, PA 19442

Phone: (484) 919-4873

Service: Carpentry, Cabinets, Handyman

HIC #:PA086824


Type:A Wide Range Of Cabinetry And Carpentry Services

Address: 157 Hillcrest Ave, Kimberton, PA 19442

Phone: (484) 685-6344

Service: Handyman

HIC #:PA096301


Type:Small Home Repairs And Maintenance Services.

Address: 2184 Kimberton Rd, Kimberton, PA 19444

Phone: (610) 202-1607

Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Landscaping, Appliances

HIC #:PA096728


Type:Landscape And Gardening, Home Appliance Installation And Repair, General Home Maintenance And Repair.

Address: 2177 Kimberton Rd, Kimberton, PA 19444

Phone: (484) 942-3039

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Cabinets, Handyman

HIC #:PA102213


Type:Carpentry, Cabinetry And Construction Services

Address: 1 Campbell Lane, Kimberton, PA 19442

Phone: (610) 495-6411

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Handyman, Painting, Plumbing, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Concrete, Electrical

HIC #:PA042782


Type:Electric, Plumbing, Carpentry, Building Maintenance, Roofing, Siding, Doors, Windows, Concrete Work, Painting.

Address: 100 Katie Way, Kimberton, PA 19442

Phone: (610) 505-6459

Service: Handyman, Home Maintenance, Lawn Care, Tree Service, Mulching, Landscaping, Cleaning, Excavation, Property Maintenance, Snow Removal

HIC #:PA106813


Type:General Contractor

Address: 151 Creeks End Lane, Kimberton, PA 19442

Phone: (610) 952-0633

Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Doors, Kitchen Remodeling, Windows

HIC #:PA045844


Type:Install Kitchens, Windows, Doors, Bathrooms, Additons.

Address: 341-B Old Kimberton Road, Kimberton, PA 19442

Service: Handyman

HIC #:PA104861


Type:Handyman Services

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.