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Handyman Contractors in Carrizo Springs, TX

I & I Pump & Water Well Drilling

Address: 2837 Highway 277, Carrizo Springs, TX 78834

Phone: (830) 876-3265

Service: Cleaning, Trenching, Estimates, Residential Services, Commercial Services, Water Well Drilling Installation And Repair, Water Tank Installation And Repair, Sump Pump Installation And Replacement, Geothermal Services, Pipe Installation, Windmill Installation And Repair, Windmill Maintenance Services, Solar Pump Installation, Water Testing, Well Rehabilitation And Upgrading, Well Sealing, Electronic Well Locating, Excavating Services

Address: 301 Pena Street, Carrizo Springs, TX 78850

Phone: (830) 876-5295

Service: Handyman

License: Texas #16339


Address: 910 S 5Th Street, Carrizo Springs, TX 78850

Phone: (830) 876-5219

Service: Handyman

License: Texas #10521


Address: 2535 Loop 517, Carrizo Springs, TX 78834

Phone: (830) 876-4155

Service: Electrical, Handyman

License: Texas #29589


Type:Ec Electrical Contractor

Address: PO Box 248, Carrizo Springs, TX 78834

Phone: (830) 876-4155

Service: Handyman

License: New Mexico #373433


Type:Ee98 Residential And Commercial Electrical

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.