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Handyman Contractors in Bittersville, PA

Address: 165 Charles Drive, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 244-7008

Service: Mechanical, Handyman, Home Repair, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Plumbing

HIC #:PA022130


Type:Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning Service Repair Installation

Address: 1025 White Oak Rd, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 417-5086

Service: Drywall, Handyman, Home Repair, Plastering

HIC #:PA083362


Type:Drywall Installation, Hanging And Finishing. Plaster Repair.

Address: 10 Noth Blacksmith Ave, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 424-7792

Service: Flooring, Handyman

HIC #:PA029469


Type:Flooring Installer And General Repairs

Address: 22 Edith Drive, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 244-3471

Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Remodeling, Roofing, Windows

HIC #:PA032163


Type:Residential Remodeling - Siding, Roofing, Drywall, Flooring, Painting, Deck And Garage Construction.

Address: 1475 Bahns Mill Rd, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 246-1571

Service: Windows, Handyman, Doors

HIC #:PA054331


Type:Sell And Install Windows And Doors

Address: 6 South Avenue, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 246-2669

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Home Maintenance, Plumbing, Remodeling, Decks, Electrical

HIC #:PA032599


Type:Maintenance Building Remodeling Electrical Plumbing Heat And A/C Decks And Patios Bucket Truck Service Much More

Address: 2765 Windsor Rd, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 246-5796

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Additions, Handyman, Remodeling

HIC #:PA033116


Type:Contracting Services Including Carpentry, Improvements, Additions, Bathroom And Kitchen Remodeling, And Subcontracting To Other Builders.

Address: 310 Thomas Armor Dr., Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 825-1775

Service: Plumbing, Handyman, Home Repair, Hvac, Heating

HIC #:PA072315


Type:Install And Repair Of Dwv (Drain, Waste, Vent), Potable Water(Hot And Cold), And Gas Piping Systems. Install And Repair Plumbing Fixtures And Faucets. Install Appliances That Are Plumbing Based (Dish Washers, Disposals, Water Heaters, Etc.) Repair Of Said

Address: 125 White Tail Lane, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 870-0246

Service: Fences, Handyman, Home Alarms

HIC #:PA025636


Type:I Am A Subcontractor For Security Fence Co. In Red Lion Pa. Security Fence Co. Has Been Providing Quality Fence Installation For Over 30 Years. I Myself Started Working For Security Fence In 1988 After Graduating High School.I Worked As An Employee For 5

Address: PO Box 182, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 659-3769

Service: Hvac, Handyman, Air Conditioning, Heating

HIC #:PA073635


Type:Heating And Air Conditioning, Sales, Service, Installations, Preventive Maintenance.

Address: 30 Windsor Acres, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 424-6988

Service: Plumbing, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Home Repair, Hvac, Heating, Plumbing Fixtures, Water Heaters, Showers

HIC #:PA093785


Type:We Do Pipe Installs /Repairs, Toliet Replacement/Repairs, Water Heater Installs, Facutes Installs, Furance Filter Replacement, Shower Fixture Replacement, Light Carpentry, Light Electrical, Roofing, Painting, Mechanical Services, And Much More.

Address: 430 Stabley Lane, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (443) 834-5326

Service: Hvac, Handyman, Energy Efficiency

HIC #:PA099788


Type:Hvacr and energy management services.

Address: 30 Windsor Acres, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 424-6988

Service: Handyman, Carpentry, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Lawn Care, Plumbing, Electrical

HIC #:PA108144


Type:Ferrees Maintenance And Repair Provides The Home-Owner With A Full Line Of Maintenance Including, But Not Limited To Plumbing, Light Carpentry, Light Electrical, Lawn Maintenance, Landscaping, And More.

Address: 37 Cheyenne Ct, Windsor, PA 17366

Phone: (717) 244-2554

Service: Hvac, Handyman, Home Repair, Air Conditioning, Heating

HIC #:PA043680


Type:Repair, maintenence, service, replacement, installation, retro-fit of all heating, air conditioning, refrigeration equipment, appliances and all related services including all types of gas line, water line, heating oil line and electrical line work as it

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.