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Handyman Contractors in Athens, PA

Address: 2131 Orange Hill Road, Athens, PA 18810

Phone: (570) 888-0237

Service: Electrical, Handyman, Plumbing, Remodeling, General Contractors, Wiring

HIC #:PA088723


Type:50 Electrical Service- Wiring, Service Installation, And Service Calls30 General Contracting And Remodeling20 Plumbing Installation And Service Calls

Address: 8108 N Rome Rd, Athens, PA 18810

Phone: (717) 599-9787

Service: Handyman, Home Builders, Additions, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Flooring, Hardwood, Hardscape, Drywall, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Electrical

HIC #:PA112973


Type:Hard Work That You Can Trust. Interior And Exterior Home Repairs, Remodeling, Drywall, Painting And Decks, Minor Plumbing, Electrical And More.

Address: 113 Walnut St, Athens, PA 18810

Phone: (607) 725-1638

Service: Painting, Handyman, Home Repair, Plumbing, Siding, Windows

HIC #:PA102131


Type:Small Home Repairs And Projects, Painting, Plumbing,Siding ,Replacement Windows, Sheetrock,Decks,Small Elertic Jobs.

Address: 120 Spruce St Apt 404, Athens, PA 18810

Phone: (570) 423-6786

Service: Painting, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Mulching, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Exteriors, Landscaping, Cleaning, Power Washing, Garages

HIC #:PA101752


Type:Interior/Exterior Painting, Power Washing, Landscaping(Mowing, Mulch, Planting, Weed Eating), Cleaning Garages, Cleaning Out Basements.

Address: 1262 Cotton Hollow Rd, Athens, PA 18810

Phone: (570) 888-8766

Service: Electrical, Home Builders, Handyman, Home Repair, Trim, Commercial Contracting, Low Voltage Systems

HIC #:PA076935


Type:Residendial And Light Commercial Electric, And Small Remodel Jobs.

Address: 122 North Elmira St, Athens, PA 18810

Phone: (570) 423-6808

Service: General Contractors, Home Maintenance, Paving, Lawn Care, Plumbing, Masonry, Remodeling, Exteriors, Roofing, Concrete, Electrical

HIC #:PA106182


Type:I Provide Plumbing, Electrical, Interior/Exterior Remodeling, Roofing, Concrete/Masonry Work, Lawn Care, And Any Maintenance Work.

Address: 611 N Main St, Athens, PA 18810

Phone: (570) 867-1168

Service: Painting, Carpentry, Handyman, Gutters, Stone, Masonry, Remodeling, Exteriors, Siding, Walls

HIC #:PA106183


Type:Interior And Exterior House Painting. Dry Stack Stone Walls. Real And Architechual Stone Masonry. Siding, Gutter And Downspouts Installation Other Than Wood.

Address: 1133 Front Street, Athens, PA 18810

Phone: (570) 888-0053

Service: Fences, Handyman

HIC #:PA033927


Type:Fence Installation

Address: 503 1St Street, Athens, PA 18810

Phone: (607) 425-2917

Service: Hvac, Home Builders, New Construction, Handyman, Heating, General Contractors

HIC #:PA071760


Type:Installation of replacement and new construction. Heating and A/C systems, natural gas, propane, fuel oil and geothermal. Residential, light commercial, hot water, warm air, and ventalation systems, and plumbing. Also certified DEP waste water pump statio

Address: 110 Cheastnut St, Athens, PA 18848

Phone: (570) 888-0889

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Home Maintenance, Hvac, Heating, Paving, Plumbing, Remodeling, Roofing, Landscaping, Concrete, Excavation, Demolition, Snow Removal

HIC #:PA092409


Type:Contracting, Demolition, Paving, Excavating, Home Remodeling, Roofing, Snow Removal, Landscaping, Building Maintenance, Plumbing And Heating

Address: PO Box 301, Athens, PA 18810

Phone: (570) 888-0481

Service: Hvac, Handyman, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Heating, Plumbing

HIC #:PA006387


Type:Plumbing And Heating Repair - Installation And Maintenance

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.