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Green Remodeling Contractors in Newtown Square, PA

Address: 16 Roberts Rd, Newtown Square, PA 19073

Phone: (610) 353-4677

Service: Low Voltage Systems, Green Remodeling, Handyman, Home Entertainment, Electrical, Wiring

HIC #:PA080357


Type:Audio And Video Installation For Residential Application. Low Voltage Wiring Of Phone, Computer And Cable Tv Hookups.

Address: 28 North Pennell Road, Media, PA 19063

Phone: (610) 891-0114

Service: Green Remodeling, Hazardous Materials, Mold Remediation

HIC #:PA087150


Type:Accredited Environmental Technologies, Inc. (Aet) Is A National Environmental Consulting And Contracting Firm With An In-House Asbestos And Mold Analytical Laboratory. Headquartered Just Outside Philadelphia In Media, Pennsylvania We Provide Cost Effectiv

Address: 107 E Knowlton Road, Media, PA 19063

Phone: (610) 563-3877

Service: Exteriors, Green Remodeling

HIC #:PA067135


Type:Landscape Construction, Masonry Work,

Address: 517 Scott Lane, Wallingford, PA 19086

Phone: (610) 357-9945

Service: Green Remodeling, Handyman, Air Duct Cleaning, Mold Remediation, Cleaning, Demolition, Restoration

HIC #:PA079226


Type:Emergency Water Service, Mold Remediation, Duct Cleaning, Demolition And Restoration, Asbestos Abatement.

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.