Address: 99 Rude Road, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (410) 314-8000
Service: Electrical, Cabinets, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Handyman, Lighting, Commercial Contracting, General Contractors
HIC #:PA071269
Type:Electrical Contractor - Residential And Light Commercial Specializing In Troubleshooting Of Electrical Systems And Renovation And Construction Of Residential And Commercial Jobs.Also Specializes In Rewiring Of Knob And Tube Older Homes.
Address: 2859 Easton Tpke, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 282-4460
Service: Electrical, Handyman, Commercial Contracting
HIC #:PA110658
Type:New Service, House Rewires, New Construction, Troubleshooter, Spas And Pool Service, 3 Phase Wiring,Motor Control And Home And Industrial Automation
Address: 885 Saint Tikhons Rd, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 937-3286
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Tree Service, Masonry, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Landscaping, Welding, Landscape Architecture, Engineering
HIC #:PA033477
Type:New Homes, Siding, All Phases Of Construction, Decks, Roofs, Additions, Remodeling, Sheetrock, Welding, Fabrication.
Address: 1315 Belmont Turnpike, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 785-5484
Service: Landscaping, Foundations, Retaining Walls, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Tree Service, Fences, Patios, Concrete, Driveway, Grading, Water Features, Walls
HIC #:PA082576
Type:Landscaping, Patios, Driveways, Planting, Lawn Cutting, Yard Maintenance, Hydroseeding, Grading, Retaining Walls, Water Features, Fertilizing, Pruning, Fencing
Address: 314 Burns Rd, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 470-7141
Service: Excavation, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Remodeling, General Contractors
HIC #:PA009495
Type:Excavating, Home Improvements, Heavy Equipment, Remodeling, Additions, New Construction, Etc.
Address: 237 Mckinney Rd, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 937-3220
Service: Electrical, Carpentry, Home Builders, Additions, Hvac, Heating, Plumbing, Roofing, General Contractors
HIC #:PA084154
Type:Electrical, Plumbing And Heating. Carpentry Work Small Buildings, Additions. Roofing.
Address: 37 Patterson Street, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 493-2421
Service: General Contractors, Remodeling, Commercial Contracting
HIC #:PA012444
Type:Building And Remodeling Contractor. Residential And Commercial.
Address: 363 Belmont Turnpike, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 617-1354
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Interior Design, Plumbing, Remodeling, Design, Electrical
HIC #:PA089882
Type:General Remodeling Including Roofing, Siding, Additons, Decks, Bathrooms, Kitchens
Address: 5 Dutchman Hill, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 488-9269
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, New Construction, Remodeling
HIC #:PA074992
Type:Remodeling And New Construction
Address: 1072 Roosevelt Highway, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 499-6972
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Engineering
HIC #:PA001139
Type:General Contracting And Design
Address: 333 Honesdale Rd, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 766-1339
Service: Painting, Staining, Home Repair, Drywall, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors
HIC #:PA095901
Type:Interior And Exterior Painting And Staining And Drywall Repair.
Address: 1341 Roosevelt Highway, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 647-8085
Service: Landscaping, General Contractors
HIC #:PA028120
Type:General Yard Work, Light Landscaping
Address: 136 Robinson Road, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 251-0147
Service: Painting, Staining, Hardscape, Lawn Care, Stone, Masonry, Remodeling, Decks, Patios, Landscaping, Driveway, Excavation
HIC #:PA100397
Type:Excavating Landscaping Lawn Care Hardscaping Painting Staining Stone Driveways Decks Patios
Address: 116 Fox Lane Rd, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 937-4090
Service: General Contractors, Remodeling
HIC #:PA055148
Type:New Construction, Remodeling
Address: 1117 Roosevelt Hwy, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 851-8743
Service: Carpentry, Framing, Tree Service, Exteriors
HIC #:PA064850
Type:Carpentry- Interior,Exterior, Framing, Additions, Renovations,Siding, Limited Roofing
Address: 762 St Tikhons Road, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 590-6250
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Plumbing, Decks, Roofing, Electrical
HIC #:PA050248
Type:Carpenter, Masonary, Electric, Plumbing, Roofing, Tiile, Decking
Address: 1181 Roosevelt Hwy, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 253-0938
Service: Masonry, Stone, Brick, Block
HIC #:PA024947
Type:Masonry Block, Brick, Stone, Concrete Slabs, Chimneys And Fireplaces, Tile Floors And Walls Carpenting Framing, Roofing, Sheetrocking, Spacaling, Plastering, Wood Floors, Flooring, Plumbing, Siding, Windows And Doors I Am A Home Improvement Contractor Tha
Address: 4 Vallone Dr, Owego Trnpk, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 488-6859
Service: Bathroom Remodeling, Energy Efficiency
HIC #:PA102525
Type:All Types Of Spray-Foam Insulation. Fiberglass Batts And Blown-In.
Address: Owego Turnpike, 4 Vallone Drive, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 488-6859
Service: Energy Efficiency, Commercial Contracting
HIC #:PA047499
Type:Commercial And Residential Insulation
Address: 271 Mckinney Rd, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 267-1883
Service: Masonry, Stone, Brick, Block
HIC #:PA021815
Type:Brick, Block, Stone, And Concrete Work. Small Excavating Jobs.
Address: 15 Roosevelt Highway, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 282-3051
Service: Home Builders, Handyman, Cctv, Home Entertainment, Home Alarms, Commercial Contracting, Security Systems
HIC #:PA003770
Type:Install Home And Commercial Security Systems, Cctv, Access Control
Address: 29 Rockwell Line, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 228-9239
Service: Carpentry, General Contractors
HIC #:PA084305
Type:Home Remodeling, New Construction, And Carpentry
Address: 456 O Connell Rd, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 488-6349
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling
HIC #:PA027634
Type:Basic Rentovation And Interior Finish.
Address: 259 Fox Rd, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 488-6439
Service: Excavation
HIC #:PA009295
Type:Excavating And Masonary And General Home Improvment Contractors
Address: 335 Belmont Turnpike, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 488-6914
Service: Landscaping, Paving, Energy Efficiency, Concrete, Excavation
HIC #:PA060772
Type:Landscaping, Paving, Excavating, Seal Coating, And Tree Cutting
Address: 15 Elk Lake Drive, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 488-9333
Service: Electrical, Home Builders, Handyman, Hvac, Heating, Plumbing
HIC #:PA009804
Type:Plumbing, Heating And Electrical. All Services Provided From New Installations To Repairs On Residential And Some Commercial.New Work To Old Work.
Address: 139 Prospect Street, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 647-0471
Service: Painting, Staining, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors, Pressure Washing
HIC #:PA020143
Type:Interior And Exterior Painting And Staining, Wall Covering, Pressure Washing
Address: 13 Stove Pipe Rd, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 862-1251
Service: Hvac, Home Builders, Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation
HIC #:PA065349
Type:Heating, Ventilation, And Air Conditioning For New Construction And Remodeling Plumbing For New Construction And Remodeling
Address: 320 Mckinney Road, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 937-4118
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders
HIC #:PA010314
Type:Steel Buildings, Post Frame Buildings, New Homes, Modular Homes, Roof, Decks, Siding, Remodeling, Barns, Garages, Electrical (Light), Plumbing (Light).
Address: 90 Lake Quinn Road, Waymart, PA 18501
Phone: (570) 937-4758
Service: General Contractors, Home Repair, Painting, Remodeling, Decks
HIC #:PA018111
Type:Minor Remodeling, Painting, Decks, Siding, Replacement Doors And Windows
Address: 94 Roosevelt Hwy, Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: (570) 280-5266
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Home Builders, Framing, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Handyman, Drywall, Crown Molding, Trim, Doors, Painting, Plumbing, Mold Remediation, Kitchen Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Electrical, Ceilings, Block
HIC #:PA046584
Type:Roofing, Kitchens, Hardwood Flooring, Sheet Rock, Siding, Baths, Tile Work, Moldings, Trim, Framing, Painting, Drop And Block Ceilings, Decks, Minor Plumbing, Electrical - Residential, Doors, New Wiindows, Replacement Windows.