Address: 726 Patrick Lane, Newry, PA 16665
Phone: (814) 215-0933
Service: Handyman, Painting, Landscaping, General Contractors, Gutter Cleanouts
HIC #:PA116336
Type:Residential Services Consisting Of Painting, Lawn Services, Mulching, Pond Cleaning And Repairs.
Address: 1019 Patrick Lane, Newry, PA 16665
Phone: (814) 935-9992
Service: Electrical, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Fireplaces, Exterior Painting, Painting, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Exteriors, Cleaning, Power Washing, Residential
HIC #:PA108367
Type:Handyman, Home Maintenance. Residential Work Only. Spring And Fall Clean Ups. Landscaping, Minor Plumbing And Electrical Services. Minor Automobile Maintenance. Interior ,Exterior Painting. Gas Fireplace Servicing, Snow Plowing,Snow Blowing,Snow Shoveling
Address: 732 Shamrock Lane, Newry, PA 16665
Phone: (814) 696-1663
Service: General Contractors, Doors, Remodeling, Windows
HIC #:PA026744
Type:General Remodeling, Windows, Doors, Siding, Roofing, Decks, Painting, Floor Coverings
Address: PO Box 308, Newry, PA 16665
Phone: (814) 330-8766
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Remodeling
HIC #:PA011633
Type:General Construction Includes Remodeling, Residental And Light Commerical Projects.