Address: 2525 Vancouver Street, Grapeville, PA 15634
Phone: (724) 454-8618
Service: Plumbing, General Contractors
HIC #:PA120139
Type:Providing Plumbing Repairs And Improvements To Local Residents.
Date Issued:10-25-2015
Address: 2516 Vancouver Street, Grapeville, PA 15634
Phone: (724) 433-3156
Service: General Contractors, Concrete
HIC #:PA104020
Type:New Concrete, Concrete Restoration, Power Washing, Sealing, Small General Carpentry Jobs, Lawn Care And Snow Removal
Address: 2516 Suffolk St, Grapeville, PA 15634
Phone: (724) 689-2893
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Home Repair, Decks
HIC #:PA094026
Type:Home Repair And Shed And Deck Builder
Address: 2545 Brown Ave, Grapeville, PA 15634
Phone: (724) 689-7991
Service: Landscaping, Retaining Walls, Trim, Lawn Care, Mulching, Cleaning, Walls
HIC #:PA097737
Type:Mowing, Mulching Trimming ,Landscaping ,Clean-Ups, Retaining Walls, Plowing And Salting
Address: 2522 Cromwell Street, Grapeville, PA 15634
Phone: (724) 523-9001
Service: General Contractors
HIC #:PA022393
Type:Residentiial And Small Commercial Jobs
Address: 253 Kunkle St, Grapeville, PA 15634
Phone: (724) 832-5581
Service: Foundations, Stone, Masonry, Concrete, Excavation, Grading
HIC #:PA016491
Type:Excavating With Skidloader And Stone Dumptruck Grading Of Land