Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Flooring Contractors in Sandy, OR

Address: 49910 Se Coalman Rd Sandy, Sandy, OR 97055

Phone: (503) 997-8889

Service: Flooring, General Contractors

License: Oregon #210129


Type:Residential Rsc - Specialty Contractor

Date Issued:04-14-2016

Address: 35160 Skogan Rd, Sandy, OR 97055

Phone: (503) 668-1291

Service: Flooring, General Contractors

License: Washington #BRIDGFI007B7


Type:Construction Contractor, Floor Covering And Counter Tops

Address: PO Box 1316, Sandy, OR 97055

Phone: (503) 341-6269

Service: Flooring, Hardwood, General Contractors, Engineering

License: Oregon #201817


Type:Residential Rgc - General Contractor

Address: 18131 Se Bush Terr Portland, Sandy, OR 97055

Phone: (501) 749-5015

Service: Flooring

License: Oregon #197978


Type:Residential Rsc - Specialty Contractor

Address: 15065 Se 377Th Ave Sandy, Sandy, OR 97055

Phone: (503) 668-6963

Service: Flooring

License: Oregon #100328


Address: 35160 Skogan Rd Sandy, Sandy, OR 97055

Phone: (503) 668-1291

Service: Flooring

License: Oregon #109625


Type:Commercial Csc2 - Specialty Contractor 2

Address: 41641 Se Allgeier Rd Sandy, Sandy, OR 97055

Phone: (503) 688-7788

Service: Flooring, Carpentry, Hardwood

License: Oregon #156039


Type:Residential Rgc - General Contractor

Address: PO Box 1722, Sandy, OR 97055

Phone: (503) 668-3384

Service: Flooring

License: Oregon #123937


Type:Residential Rgc - General Contractor

Address: PO Box 87, Sandy, OR 97055

Phone: (503) 351-0217

Service: Flooring

License: Oregon #106348


Type:Residential Rgc - General Contractor

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.