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Flooring Contractors in Ashland, PA

Address: 536 Walnut Street, Ashland, PA 17921

Phone: (570) 527-4265

Service: General Contractors, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Tile, Drywall, Painting, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing

HIC #:PA114552


Type:General Contracting Which Includes New Construction, Additions, Home Remodeling, Roofing, Decks, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Flooring, Tile Work, Dry Walling, And Painting.

Address: 920 Spruce St, Ashland, PA 17921

Phone: (570) 933-0451

Service: General Contractors, Cabinets, Home Builders, Framing, New Construction, Bathroom Remodeling, Countertops, Flooring, Gutters, Paving, Drywall, Crown Molding, Doors, Plumbing, Mold Remediation, Energy Efficiency, Masonry, Remodeling, Decks, Fences, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Concrete, Electrical, Sheds

HIC #:PA079267


Type:Residential Remodeling And New Construction Including Framing,Flooring,Windows,Doors,Siding,Insulation,Stair Systems,Moldings,Kitchen Cabinets And Countertops,Bathrooms,Small Electrical And Plumbing,Drywall,Roofing,Gutters,Fencing,Small Concrete Projects,

Address: 235 E Center Street, Ashland, PA 17921

Phone: (570) 875-4105

Service: Painting, Carpentry, Flooring, Hardwood, Handyman, Industrial Painting, Commercial Contracting, Floor Refinishing

HIC #:PA017178


Type:Residential,Commercial And Industrial Painting, Installing And Refinishing Hardwood Floors

Address: 1206 Center St, Ashland, PA 18001

Phone: (570) 875-0322

Service: Flooring, Handyman, Carpets

HIC #:PA029983


Type:Selling And Installing Floor Covering

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