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Fireplaces Contractors in Kemp, TX

Address: 7302 Cr 4044 Kemp 75143, Kemp, TX 75143

Service: Fireplaces, Fire Protection, Alarm Systems

Address: 568 V. 2 Cr, Canton, TX 75103

Phone: (214) 924-9052

Service: Fireplaces, Fire Protection, General Contractors

License: Texas #SCR-U-1780000



Type:Fire/Sprinkler Contractor

Address: 215 Kansas City Avenue, Shreveport, LA 71107

Phone: (318) 226-9821

Service: Fire Protection, Fireplaces, Commercial Contracting, Alarm Systems


Type:Specialty Furnish And Install Portable Fire Extinguishers And Stove Hood Systems, Specialty Automatic Fire Detection And Suppression Systems, Specialty Alarm Systems And Equipment, Specialty Fire Sprinkler Work, Commercial License Certificate

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.