Address: 99 Butler Ave, Conyngham, PA 18219
Phone: (570) 788-4898
Service: General Contractors, Additions, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Engineering
HIC #:PA008682
Type:Remodeling Kitchens, Bathrooms, Flooring, Small Additions , Garages, And Roofing, Etc.
Address: 15 Sleepy Hollow Road, Drums, PA 18222
Phone: (570) 788-3284
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Remodeling, Decks, Windows, Restoration, Engineering
HIC #:PA016551
Type:Home Remodeling, Window And Door Replacement, Sheetrock, Porch Restoration, Decks, General Repairs.
Address: 81 Sugarloaf Heights Rd, Drums, PA 18222
Phone: (570) 956-9994
Service: Excavation, Flooring, Tile, Hardscape, Landscaping, General Contractors, Landscape Architecture, Engineering
HIC #:PA119865
Type:General Contracting
Date Issued:10-09-2015
Address: 1 Oak Street, Drums, PA 18222
Phone: (570) 788-4997
Service: Handyman, Carpentry, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Fireplaces, Painting, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Commercial Contracting, Electrical, General Contractors, Welding, Engineering
HIC #:PA005611
Type:General Contractor And Home Repairs, Painting, Power Washing, Electrical Repairs, Plumbing Repairs, Small Welding Jobs, Storm And Fire Damage, Carpentry, Commercial And Residential Service And All Types Of Various Repairs With Some New Construction.
Address: 28 Nesco Manor Road, Drums, PA 18222
Phone: (570) 788-3011
Service: General Contractors, Additions, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Engineering
HIC #:PA035859
Type:Roofing, Siding, Decks, Additions, Garages And General Repairs.
Address: 40 Christman Road, Drums, PA 18222
Phone: (570) 788-1361
Service: Carpentry, Additions, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Hardwood, Tile, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Roofing, Windows, General Contractors, Engineering
HIC #:PA043013
Type:General Carpentry Replace Door, Windows Remodel Bathroom, Kitchens Roofs Additions Install Ceramic Tile, Hardwood Floors.
Address: 118 Grouse Ridge Lane, Drums, PA 18222
Phone: (570) 582-6394
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Engineering
HIC #:PA059249
Type:General Carpentry
Address: 6 Police Grove Rd, Drums, PA 18222
Phone: (570) 401-4238
Service: General Contractors, Flooring, Remodeling, Engineering
HIC #:PA012081
Type:Flooring Installation And Repair, General Construction And Remodelling
Address: 10 Edge Rock Dr, Drums, PA 18222
Phone: (570) 578-8299
Service: General Contractors, Remodeling, Decks, Engineering
HIC #:PA125099
Type:Im A General Contractor That Handles All Areas Of Residential Construction, Both Old And New. Reroofing, New Construction, Remodeling, Decks, Etc.
Date Issued:06-11-2016
Address: Drums, PA
Service: Engineering, Structural Engineering
HIC #:062062408
Type:Professional Engineer
Address: Drums, PA
Service: Engineering, Structural Engineering
HIC #:7643929-2202
Type:Engineer Land Surveyor, Professional Engineer
Address: PO Box 168, Weston, PA 18256
Phone: (570) 956-6111
Service: General Contractors, Drywall, Engineering
HIC #:PA095133
Type:General Contracting ,Drywall Finishing
Address: 468 South River Street, Wapwallopen, PA 18660
Phone: (570) 259-3761
Service: General Contractors, Additions, Drywall, Painting, Remodeling, Engineering
HIC #:PA121999
Type:General Construction Quality Work Done The First Time.Sidewalks Block Laying Bricklaying Painting Drywall Remodeling Additions
Date Issued:02-11-2016
Address: 612 West County Road, Wapwallopen, PA 18660
Phone: (570) 233-7788
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Engineering
HIC #:PA021048
Type:General Construction/Home Improvement Contractor
Address: 284 Ridge Rd, Wapwallopen, PA 18660
Phone: (570) 868-8263
Service: Masonry, Flooring, Stone, Concrete, General Contractors, Engineering
HIC #:PA123202
Type:General Contractor
Date Issued:03-28-2016
Address: 342 Hobbie Rd, Wapwallopen, PA 18660
Phone: (570) 362-1185
Service: General Contractors, Engineering
HIC #:PA034719
Type:General Contractor
Address: 136 Beef Hill Rd, Wapwallopen, PA 18660
Phone: (570) 301-9721
Service: General Contractors, Additions, Remodeling, Engineering
HIC #:PA118619
Type:General Construction Remodeling Additions
Date Issued:08-16-2015