Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Decks Contractors in Kula, HI

Address: 3427 Hookipa Place, Kihei, HI 96753

Phone: (808) 879-3366

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Plumbing, Swimming Pools, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Commercial Contracting, Electrical

License: Hawaii #CT-14904


Type:General Building

Address: 4057 Mahinahina Pl, Lahaina, HI 96761

Service: Landscaping, Plumbing, Decks, Windows, Commercial Contracting, Electrical

License: Hawaii #CT-19413



Address: 3390 Haleakala Hwy, Pearl City, HI 96782

Service: Home Builders, Kitchen Remodeling, Decks, Commercial Contracting

License: Hawaii #95767 D1

Type:To Engage In The Business Of The Sale And Construction Of Lindal Cedar Homes

Address: PO Box 10103, Laie, HI 96762

Service: Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Commercial Contracting, Electrical

License: Hawaii #CT-15445


Type:Painting & Decorating, General Building

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.