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Countertops Contractors in Berlin, PA

Address: 112 Sidone Rd, Berlin, PA 15601

Phone: (814) 279-1618

Service: Carpentry, Cabinets, Countertops, Handyman, Masonry

HIC #:PA073224


Type:Manufacturing And Installing Countertops And Cabinets

Address: 770 Listie Rd, Friedens, PA 15541

Phone: (814) 445-1846

Service: Masonry, Foundations, Countertops, Paving, Stone, Concrete, Decorative Concrete, Brick, Block

HIC #:PA093953


Type:Masonry Contractor Doing Flat Concrete, Decorative Concrete, Brick, Block, Stone, Icf Foundations, And Concrete Countertops.

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.