Address: 19291 Lake Charles Highway, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 462-8008
Service: Welding, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #57574
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Industrial Plants
Address: 307 Bill Mc Donald Road, Sugartown, LA 70662
Phone: (337) 328-8823
Service: Plumbing, Foundations, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete
License: Louisiana #61920
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Plumbing (Statewide), Specialty Irrigation & Wastewater Systems & Pumps, Specialty Landscaping, Grading And Beautification
Date Issued:07-16-2015
Address: 445 Pine Island Ranch, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 463-2642
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Tree Service, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #36465
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: PO Box 248, Sugartown, LA 70662
Phone: (337) 328-7181
Service: Home Builders, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #43794
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: 5282 Highway 190 West, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 463-2133
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #39144
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: 1454 Franklin Johnson Loop, Pitkin, LA 70656
Phone: (337) 328-7816
Service: Electrical, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #39923
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide)
Address: 5220 Hwy. 399, Pitkin, LA 70656
Phone: (337) 328-8400
Service: Hvac, Commercial Contracting, Electrical, Refrigeration, Mechanical
License: Louisiana #59929
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Electrical Work (Act 725 - Restricted), Specialty Mechanical Work (Act 725 - Restricted)
Address: 788 Virgil Sims Road, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 463-7577
Service: Electrical, Commercial Contracting, Mechanical
License: Louisiana #63286
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Mechanical Work (Act 725 - Restricted)
Date Issued:05-17-2016
Address: PO Box 342, Dry Creek, LA 70637
Phone: (337) 348-6127
Service: Plumbing, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #60055
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: 1960 Granberry Road, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 463-4681
Service: General Contractors, Foundations, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete
License: Louisiana #13612
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Clearing, Grubbing And Snagging, Specialty Earthwork, Drainage And Levees
Address: 200 Huckleberry Ln., Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 375-1707
Service: Concrete, Paving, Tree Service, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #61512
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Concrete Construction (Excluding Highways, Streets, Bridges & Underwater Work)
Address: 124 Ed King Road, Dry Creek, LA 70637
Phone: (318) 328-7415
Service: Mechanical, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #33772
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Mechanical Work (Statewide)
Address: PO Box 209, Elizabeth, LA 70638
Phone: (318) 634-7854
Service: Electrical, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #17239
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: 448 Virgil Sims Rd., Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 463-8006
Service: Mechanical, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #62332
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Mechanical Work (Statewide)
Date Issued:09-17-2015
Address: 1579 Hwy. 1146, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 463-8800
Service: Electrical, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #63413
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide)
Date Issued:05-19-2016
Address: PO Box 1287, Rosepine, LA 70659
Phone: (337) 463-5858
Service: Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #14443
Type:Commercial License Certificate, Specialty Roofing And Sheet Metal, Siding
Address: PO Box 186, Rosepine, LA 70659
Phone: (318) 463-6192
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #11820
Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law
Address: PO Box 546, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 463-6543
Service: Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #32407
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: PO Box 1443, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 462-2240
Service: Foundations, Handyman, Tree Service, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete
License: Louisiana #60657
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: PO Box 854, Rosepine, LA 70659
Phone: (337) 392-0854
Service: General Contractors, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #45182
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: 445 Pine Island Ranch, Deridder, LA 70637
Service: Home Builders, Tree Service, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #59623
Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law, Heavy Construction, Highway, Street And Bridge Construction, Municipal And Public Works Construction
Address: PO Box 703, Oakdale, LA 71463
Phone: (318) 335-1809
Service: General Contractors, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #85314
Type:Residential License Certificate
Address: PO Box 1568, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 302-5247
Service: Commercial Contracting, Electrical
License: Louisiana #57172
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide)
Address: PO Box 791, Oakdale, LA 71463
Phone: (318) 335-5068
Service: Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #36395
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: 1207 N. 15Th Street, Oakdale, LA 71463
Phone: (318) 335-4536
Service: Commercial Contracting, Electrical, Mechanical
License: Louisiana #56030
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Electrical Work (Act 725 - Restricted), Specialty Mechanical Work (Act 725 - Restricted)
Address: 786 Green Rd., Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 462-8164
Service: Plumbing, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #60225
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: PO Box 577, Oakdale, LA 71463
Phone: (318) 335-2001
Service: Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #60940
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Rotary Kilns And Dryers
Date Issued:08-11-2015
Address: 267 Rooter Smith Road, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 375-1843
Service: General Contractors, Foundations, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete
License: Louisiana #56920
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Landscaping, Grading And Beautification
Address: 1707 Evangeline Street, Oakdale, LA 71463
Phone: (318) 748-8557
Service: General Contractors, Paving, Tree Service, Commercial Contracting, Concrete, Drainage
License: Louisiana #12879
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Highway, Street And Bridge Construction, Specialty Culverts And Drainage Structures, Specialty Driveways, Parking Areas, Etc.,Asphalt And/Or Concrete
Address: 2249 Franklin Road, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 802-4593
Service: Home Builders, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #55040
Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law
Address: 3686 Hwy 171, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 463-2877
Service: Exteriors, Home Builders, Foundations, Paving, Tree Service, Decks, Commercial Contracting, Concrete
License: Louisiana #57355
Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law, Specialty Driveways, Parking Areas, Etc., Asphalt A/R Concrete Exclusive Of Highways & Street Work, Specialty Foundations For Buildings, Equipment Or Machinery
Address: 1019 West 9Th Street, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 462-3115
Service: Electrical, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #54346
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Electrical Work (Act 725 - Restricted)
Address: 110 N. Stewart Street, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 463-6918
Service: Home Builders, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #54644
Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law
Address: PO Box 1104, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 526-1650
Service: Foundations, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete
License: Louisiana #57191
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Landscaping, Grading And Beautification
Address: 280 Shana Martin Lane, Deridder, LA 70634
Phone: (337) 328-7535
Service: Home Builders, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #17968
Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law