Address: 53095 Borealis Ave, Kasilof, AK 99610
Service: General Contractors, Remodeling, Commercial Contracting, Engineering
License: Alaska #27177
Type:Is A Registered General Contractor With Residential Contractor Endorsement
Address: 23321 S Cohoe Loop, Kasilof, AK 99610
Service: General Contractors, Commercial Contracting, Engineering
License: Alaska #25744
Type:Is A Registered General Contractor Without Residential Contractor Endorsement
Address: 23332 Kasilof River Road, Kasilof, AK 99610
Service: General Contractors, Interior Design, Handyman, Commercial Contracting
License: Alaska #1018656
Type:23 - Construction, 237210 - Land Subdivision, 54 - Professional, Scientific And Technical Services, 541420 - Industrial Design Services
Address: Kasilof, AK
Service: Plumbing, Commercial Contracting, Mechanical
License: Alaska #MECM1201
Type:Mechanical Administrator Ucip - Unlimited Commercial And Industrial Plumbing
Address: PO Box 126, Kasilof, AK 99610
Service: Electrical, Commercial Contracting, Appliances
License: Alaska #EADE332
Type:Electrical Administrator Ucw - Unlimited Commercial Wiring Rw - Residential Wiring Ic - Inside Communications
Address: 28401 Coastline Street, Kasilof, AK 99610
Service: General Contractors, Commercial Contracting, Engineering
License: Alaska #31064
Type:Is A Registered General Contractor Without Residential Contractor Endorsement