Address: 122 Dandurand Street, Cankton, LA 70584
Phone: (337) 668-4402
Service: Electrical, Home Repair, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #53309
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: PO Box 250, Sunset, LA 70584
Phone: (337) 948-6452
Service: Swimming Pools, Remodeling, Commercial Contracting, Electrical
License: Louisiana #38405
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide)
Address: PO Box 27, Carencro, LA 70520
Service: Fire Protection, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #61089
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Fire Sprinkler Work
Address: 251 Mayo Blvd., Sunset, LA 70584
Phone: (337) 344-3920
Service: Plumbing, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #54809
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Plumbing (Statewide)
Address: PO Box 933, Carencro, LA 70520
Phone: (337) 257-4465
Service: Plumbing, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #61690
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Plumbing (Statewide)
Address: PO Box 938, Sunset, LA
Phone: (337) 501-5535
Service: Home Builders, Commercial Contracting, Electrical
License: Louisiana #882733
Type:Residential License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide), Residential Building Contractor
Address: 720 Lantier Road, Carencro, LA 70520
Phone: (337) 739-7292
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #32433
Type:Commercial License Certificate, Building Construction
Address: PO Box 120, Sunset, LA 70584
Phone: (337) 945-8186
Service: Home Builders, Commercial Contracting, General Contractors
License: Louisiana #89180
Type:Residential License Certificate
Address: 1223 W. Gloria Switch Rd., Carencro, LA 70520
Phone: (337) 896-6719
Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Fences, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #26055
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Fencing, Specialty Tower Construction
Address: 1223 W. Gloria Switch Road, Carencro, LA 70520
Phone: (337) 896-6719
Service: Electrical, Handyman, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #41270
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide), Specialty Telecommunications, Specialty Tower Construction
Address: 2091 Highway 754, Sunset, LA 70584
Phone: (337) 992-7294
Service: Hvac, Heating, Commercial Contracting, Mechanical
License: Louisiana #51881
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: 111 E. St. Peter Street, Carencro, LA 70520
Phone: (337) 565-2921
Service: Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #62460
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Telecommunications (Excluding Property Protection And Life Safety Systems)
Date Issued:11-06-2015
Address: P. O. Drawer 610, Carencro, LA 70520
Phone: (337) 896-8472
Service: Flooring, Carpets, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #26482
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Carpet And Resilient Floors
Address: 105 Rue St Gauden, Carencro, LA 70520
Phone: (337) 258-8280
Service: Home Builders, Commercial Contracting, Electrical
License: Louisiana #881704
Type:Residential License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide), Residential Building Contractor
Address: 214 Borel Rd., Sunset, LA 70584
Phone: (337) 948-4463
Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Handyman, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #49116
Type:Commercial License, Building Construction, Business And Law
Address: 1041 Hwy 754, Sunset, LA 70584
Phone: (337) 235-5075
Service: Electrical, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #37711
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide)
Address: 421 Sonnier Road, Carencro, LA 70520
Phone: (337) 565-2270
Service: Handyman, Commercial Contracting, Electrical
License: Louisiana #52420
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide), Specialty Telecommunications, Specialty Tower Construction
Address: 124 Dugas Lane, Carencro, LA 70520
Phone: (337) 668-4776
Service: Plumbing, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #58758
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Plumbing (Statewide)
Address: PO Box 120, Sunset, LA 70584
Phone: (337) 662-5238
Service: General Contractors, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #81358
Type:Residential License, Building Construction, Business And Law, Residential Building Contractor
Address: 168 Ridgecrest Road, Sunset, LA 70584
Phone: (239) 262-3438
Service: Electrical, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #11659
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide)
Address: 945 Chretien Pt. Road, Sunset, LA 70584
Phone: (337) 662-3415
Service: Foundations, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Concrete, Drainage
License: Louisiana #38596
Type:Commercial License Certificate, Specialty Clearing, Grubbing And Snagging, Specialty Earthwork, Drainage And Levees, Specialty Landscaping, Grading And Beautification
Address: PO Box 234, Grand Coteau, LA 70512
Service: Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #59415
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: PO Box 1190, Grand Coteau, LA 70541
Phone: (318) 662-7175
Service: General Contractors, Framing, Siding, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #30984
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Insulation (Commercial And Industrial), Specialty Metal Buildings, Cold-Formed Metal Framing, Siding, Sheet Metal, Metal Products
Address: 597 Thelma Drive, Sunset, LA 70584
Phone: (337) 942-6815
Service: Hvac, Air Conditioning, Commercial Contracting, Refrigeration, Mechanical
License: Louisiana #49005
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Mechanical Work (Statewide)
Address: PO Box 249, Grand Coteau, LA 70541
Phone: (337) 662-3174
Service: General Contractors, Basement Remodeling, Painting, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #32695
Type:Commercial License Certificate, Building Construction, Specialty Demolishing Work, Specialty Asbestos Removal And Abatement, Specialty Lead Based Paint Abatement And Removal
Address: PO Box 46, Grand Coteau, LA 70541
Phone: (337) 662-5132
Service: Electrical, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #39665
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide)
Address: 6081 Mire Highway, Church Point, LA 70525
Phone: (337) 207-6834
Service: Electrical, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #43113
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Electrical Work (Statewide)
Address: P. O. Drawer 190, Church Point, LA 70525
Phone: (337) 684-6896
Service: General Contractors, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #36462
Type:Commercial License Certificate
Address: 602 Richard School Road, Church Point, LA 70525
Phone: (337) 684-6186
Service: General Contractors, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #86670
Type:Residential License, Building Construction, Business And Law, Residential Building Contractor
Address: 2074 Osage Trail, Church Point, LA 70525
Phone: (318) 668-4691
Service: Masonry, Stone, Commercial Contracting
License: Louisiana #21988
Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Masonry, Brick, Stone