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Commercial Contracting Contractors in Alexandria, OH

Address: 2061 Hardscrabble Rd, Alexandria, OH 43001

Service: Electrical, Home Builders, Additions, Flooring, Handyman, Tree Service, Fire Protection, Home Alarms, Commercial Contracting, Spas

License: Ohio #EL.34869


City:Ohio Professional

Type:Electrical Contractors

Address: 2061 Hardscrabble Rd, Alexandria, OH 43001

Phone: (614) 501-6747

Service: New Construction, Commercial Contracting

License: Ohio #OHFP54253509


Address: PO Box 152, Granville, OH 43023

Service: Electrical, Handyman, Commercial Contracting

License: Ohio #EL-0000030606



Address: 15730 Center Village Rd, Johnstown, OH 43031

Service: Plumbing, Bathroom Remodeling, Commercial Contracting

License: Ohio #PL.13534


City:Ohio Professional

Type:Plumbing Contractors

Address: 4217 Beech Rd, Johnstown, OH 43031

Phone: (330) 784-1296

Service: Plumbing, Carpentry, Cabinets, Home Builders, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Flooring, Handyman, Home Repair, Heating, Fireplaces, Hazardous Materials, Tree Service, Fire Protection, Home Alarms, Stone, Masonry, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Design, Electrical, Appliances, Garages, Piping, Spas, Fire Damage Restoration, Plumbing Fixtures, Water Heaters, Furnaces, Drainage

License: Ohio #PL-0000018084



Address: PO Box 305, Johnstown, OH 43031

Phone: (614) 395-4293

Service: Mechanical, Hvac, Heating, Commercial Contracting

License: Louisiana #62438


Type:Commercial License, Business And Law, Specialty Heat, Air Conditioning, Ventilation Duct Work And Refrigeration

Date Issued:01-13-2016

Address: 6003 Nichols Lane, Johnstown, OH 43031

Service: Plumbing, Commercial Contracting, Concrete

License: Ohio #PL-0000015495



Address: 116 W Jersey St, Johnstown, OH 43031

Phone: (866) 830-2515

Service: Electrical, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Handyman, Home Repair, Remodeling, Lighting, Roofing, Commercial Contracting, Appliances, Wiring, Smoke Detectors, Spas, Pumps, Heat Pump, Structural Engineering, Engineering

License: Ohio #EL-0000037332



Address: 7875 Sportsman Club Rd, Johnstown, OH 43031

Phone: (614) 253-3600

Service: Electrical, Cabinets, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Flooring, Handyman, Home Repair, Heating, Swimming Pools, Fire Protection, Home Alarms, Remodeling, Lighting, Commercial Contracting, Design, Appliances, Wiring, Smoke Detectors, Garages, Fire Damage Restoration, Carports

License: Ohio #EL-0000026359



Address: 3512 Burnside Rd, Johnstown, OH 43031

Service: Electrical, Carpentry, Cabinets, Home Builders, Additions, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Handyman, Home Repair, Tree Service, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Home Alarms, Remodeling, Lighting, Landscaping, Commercial Contracting, Cleaning, Design, Appliances, Wiring, Moving, Smoke Detectors, Garages, Ceilings, Pumps, Heat Pump, Home Inspections, Brick

License: Ohio #EL-0000012570



Address: 96 S Williams St, Johnstown, OH 43031

Service: Plumbing, Commercial Contracting, Demolition

License: Ohio #OHHY-0000016364



Address: 359 Whirlaway Loop, Pataskala, OH 43062

Service: Electrical, Cabinets, Home Builders, Additions, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Flooring, Handyman, Home Repair, Hvac, Tree Service, Painting, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Home Alarms, Remodeling, Lighting, Exteriors, Commercial Contracting, Design, Demolition, Wiring, Smoke Detectors, Garages, Spas, Fans, Fire Damage Restoration, Heat Pump, Tenant Improvements, Showers, Home Inspections

License: Ohio #EL-0000025177



Address: 3999 Alward Road Sw, Pataskala, OH 43062

Phone: (614) 286-5728

Service: Hvac, Carpentry, Cabinets, Home Builders, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Green Remodeling, Flooring, Handyman, Home Repair, Air Conditioning, Heating, Doors, Tree Service, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Home Alarms, Masonry, Remodeling, Staircases, Lighting, Exteriors, Patios, Roofing, Siding, Commercial Contracting, Design, Electrical, Appliances, Fans, Fire Damage Restoration, Water Heaters, Pumps, Heat Pump, Furnaces, Home Inspections, Brick

License: Ohio #HV-0000029544



Address: 529 Forward Pass Rd, Pataskala, OH 43062

Service: Hvac, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Commercial Contracting, Residential

License: Ohio #OHHIC5943


Address: 9752 Lynns Rd Sw, Pataskala, OH 43062

Phone: (740) 927-0822

Service: Commercial Contracting, Electrical

License: Ohio #OHE0902


Address: 14 Carryback Drive Sw, Pataskala, OH 43062

Phone: (740) 964-3251

Service: Commercial Contracting, Electrical

License: Ohio #OHE1752


Address: 10439 Watkins Rd, Pataskala, OH 43062

Service: Bathroom Remodeling, Commercial Contracting, Electrical, Residential

License: Ohio #OHE2312


Address: 45 Pat Haven Drive, Pataskala, OH 43062

Service: Hvac, Commercial Contracting

License: Ohio #HY-0000026653



Address: 2726 Hazelton Etna Road Sw, Pataskala, OH 43062

Phone: (614) 832-5480

Service: Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Windows, Commercial Contracting, Residential

License: Ohio #OHHIC6036


Address: 3652 Mink Street Sw, Pataskala, OH 43062

Service: New Construction, Bathroom Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Commercial Contracting, Residential

License: Ohio #OHHIC5861


All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.