Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Carpentry Contractors in Saint Johns, PA

Address: 816 St Johns Rd, Saint Johns, PA 18247

Phone: (570) 579-3264

Service: Carpentry, Tile, Handyman, Plumbing, Remodeling, Electrical

HIC #:PA062801


Type:Home Improvements, Repair, And Remodel. Electric, Plumbing, Carpentry, And Tile. Facility Services And Maintenance.

Address: 62 Ironmaster Road, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 956-8547

Service: Flooring, Offices, Hardwood, Tile, Air Conditioning, Carpets, Alarm Systems

HIC #:PA009963


Type:Installation Of All Floor Coverings Such As Carpet, Vinyl, Hardwood, Ceramic Tile, Laminate Flooring, Vct Etc.

Address: 397 W Butler Drive, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 788-6306

Service: Handyman, Trim, Tree Service

HIC #:PA067226


Type:Tree Removal And Triming

Address: 40 Deer Run Road, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 926-1160

Service: Roofing, New Construction, Decks, Siding, Construction

HIC #:PA060701


Type:Roofing, Siding, Decks

Address: 121 Freedom Rd, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 956-9307

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Cabinets, Remodeling

HIC #:PA091010


Type:Custom Cabinetry, Finish Carpentry, Home Improvements.

Address: 3 Lions Dr, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 788-3181

Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Paving, Doors, Plumbing, Remodeling, Siding, Windows, Concrete

HIC #:PA087821


Type:Remodeling, Window And Door Installation, Concrete, Plumbing, Siding

Address: 66 Glendale Ln, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 436-5012

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, New Construction, Interior Design, Masonry, Remodeling, Design, Restoration

HIC #:PA108953


Type:Masonry Work, Carpentry Work, Flat Work, Custom Work And Design, Restoration And Remodeling.

Address: 372 West Butler Drive, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 760-7162

Service: General Contractors, Handyman, Home Repair, Paving, Masonry, Remodeling, Exteriors, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Concrete

HIC #:PA086356


Type:Concrete, Masonry, Siding, Light Earthwork, Roofing, Interior And Exterior Remodeling, Window Removal And Replacement, General Repairs Interior And Exterior

Address: 41 Riccardi Drive, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 233-4015

Service: Masonry, Home Builders, Fireplaces, Fire Protection, Stone, Chimney, Brick, Block

HIC #:PA091111


Type:Brick Work, Stone Work, Block Work, Chimneys And Fireplaces Concrete

Address: 44 Sycamore Dr, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 788-5541

Service: General Contractors, Home Repair, Remodeling

HIC #:PA105747


Type:New Homee And Home Repair

Address: 245 W Butler Drive, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 788-1252

Service: Windows, Home Repair, Doors

HIC #:PA102224


Type:Wholesaler Of Windows And Doors. Repairing Windows And Doors

Address: 342 Sugar Loaf Heights Rd, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 751-3127

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Paving, Tree Service, Stump Removal, Roofing, Siding, Concrete, Excavation

HIC #:PA009119


Type:General Contractor - Carpentry - Concrete - Excavation - Tree And Stump Removal - Roofing And Siding - Masonary.

Address: 40 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 788-6207

Service: Exteriors, Gutters, Siding

HIC #:PA028378


Type:Seamess Gutters And Siding

Address: 13 Tommys Ct, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 788-2283

Service: General Contractors, Roofing, Siding

HIC #:PA106367


Type:General Const. Roofing-Siding--Remodleing

Address: PO Box 153, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 788-6568

Service: Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Home Repair

HIC #:PA062175


Type:Repair Oil Burners And Service Work

Address: 186 S Old Turpk Rd, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 578-7226

Service: Roofing, Carpentry, Additions, Siding

HIC #:PA050016


Type:General Carpenter Work

Address: 26 Nesco Manor Road, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 788-4534

Service: General Contractors, Additions, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Docks

HIC #:PA045825


Type:1. Build New Houses And Do Remodeling, Kitchen And Bathroom2. Building Additions On Houses3. Installing Replacement Windows And Putting New Siding On Houses4. Putting New And Replacing Old Decks On Houses5. Plus Doing Some Roofing Repairs, Just Shingles R

Address: 1 Oak Street, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 788-4997

Service: Handyman, Carpentry, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Fireplaces, Painting, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Commercial Contracting, Electrical, General Contractors, Welding, Engineering

HIC #:PA005611


Type:General Contractor And Home Repairs, Painting, Power Washing, Electrical Repairs, Plumbing Repairs, Small Welding Jobs, Storm And Fire Damage, Carpentry, Commercial And Residential Service And All Types Of Various Repairs With Some New Construction.

Address: 81 Sugarloaf Heights Rd, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 956-9994

Service: Excavation, Flooring, Tile, Hardscape, Landscaping, General Contractors, Landscape Architecture, Engineering

HIC #:PA119865


Type:General Contracting

Date Issued:10-09-2015

Address: 15 Sleepy Hollow Road, Drums, PA 18222

Phone: (570) 788-3284

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Remodeling, Decks, Windows, Restoration, Engineering

HIC #:PA016551


Type:Home Remodeling, Window And Door Replacement, Sheetrock, Porch Restoration, Decks, General Repairs.

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.