Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Carpentry Contractors in Paupack, PA

Address: 271 Gumbletown Road, Paupack, PA 18451

Phone: (973) 583-2551

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Restoration

HIC #:PA122893


Type:Home Improvements

Date Issued:03-16-2016

Address: 131 Paupack Heights Drive, Paupack, PA 18451

Phone: (570) 493-7010

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Offices, Painting, Roofing

HIC #:PA006562


Type:All Forms Of Carpentry Paint And Staining Roofs

Address: Hc 1 Box 21, Paupack, PA 18451

Phone: (570) 226-1851

Service: Carpentry

HIC #:PA028958


Type:General Carpentry And Remodeling, Siding, Decks, Doors, Windows

Address: Paupack, PA

Phone: (570) 647-8657

Service: Exteriors, Additions, Gutters, Decks, Siding, Garages

HIC #:PA107325


Type:Residential Builder And Renovation

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.