Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Carpentry Contractors in Huntley, IL

Address: 11906 Oakcreek Parkway, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (224) 639-3423

Service: Roofing, Gutters

Address: 11921 Smith Drive, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (773) 626-4122

Service: Fences, Signage

Address: 11921 Smith Dr, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (224) 654-2122

Service: Fences, Signage

License: North Carolina #71124


Type:Highway, Unlimited

Address: 11921 Smith Dr., Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (224) 654-2122

Service: Fences, Signage

License: Tennessee #66274



Address: 11921 Smith Dr, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (224) 654-2122

Service: Fences, General Contractors, Signage

License: Iowa #C104886


Type:General Contractor Non Residential

Address: Huntley, IL

Phone: (847) 669-2197

Service: Carpentry, Remodeling

Address: Harmony & Brier Hill Roads, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (847) 669-1255

Service: Tile, Masonry

License: Arizona #109867


Type:Masonry, Masonry

Address: PO Box 897, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (847) 669-1255

Service: Tile, Masonry

License: Nevada #40226


Type:C18 - Masonry

Address: 11921 Smith Dr., Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (224) 654-2122

Service: Fences, Bathroom Remodeling, Signage

License: Mississippi #17198-SC


Type:Fencing, Median Barrier Walls, Traffic Control,Signs,Striping,Guardrail

Address: Harmony & Brier Hill Rds, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (847) 669-1255

Service: Tile, Masonry

License: Utah #320427-5501


Type:Contractor, Contractor With Lrf, S290 - General Masonry Qualifier

Address: PO Box 897, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (847) 669-1255

Service: Tile

License: Oregon #184746


Type:Commercial Csc2 - Specialty Contractor 2

Address: 18 N931 Barko Pky, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (847) 344-9699

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Fireplaces, Fire Protection, Engineering

License: Illinois #2012-CR4050


County:Dupage County

Type:Gen Contractor W/Trades

Address: 11420 Kruetzer Rd, Huntley, IL 60175

Phone: (847) 961-5600

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry

License: Illinois #2011-CR01813


County:Dupage County

Type:Sub Contractor (Per Trade)

Address: Huntley, IL

Service: General Contractors, Remodeling, Roofing

License: Illinois #104016223


Type:Roofing Contractor

Address: PO Box 355, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (847) 809-6809

Service: Exteriors, Carpentry, Siding

License: Illinois #2012-CR4430


County:Dupage County

Type:Sub Contractor (Per Trade)

Address: 9868 Wiams Drive, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (773) 895-6473

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Remodeling, Exteriors

Address: Huntley, IL

Service: Roofing

License: Illinois #104016531


Type:Roofing Contractor

Address: PO Box 897, Huntley, IL 60142

Phone: (847) 669-1255

Service: Tile

License: Arkansas #0141290111


Type:Tile, Terrazzo, Marble, Floors, Floor Covering

Address: 12191 Regency Parkway, Huntley, IL 60142

Service: Roofing, General Contractors

License: Illinois #CL-16-20384


Town:Orland Park

Type:Roofing Contractor

Address: Harmony And Brier Hill Roads, Huntley, IL 60142

Service: Tile, Masonry

License: Virginia #2705052939


Type:Masonry Brk

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.