Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Carpentry Contractors in Grassflat, PA

Address: 564 Cooper Ave, Grassflat, PA 16839

Phone: (814) 345-6889

Service: Painting, Offices, Home Builders, Additions, Interior Design, Home Theaters, Remodeling, Exteriors, Commercial Contracting, Docks

HIC #:PA023872


Type:Exterior And Interior Painting For Commercial And Residential. Pressure Washing. Replacing Wood, Mental, Etc. That Needs Repaired Before Painting. Removing Paint And Wallpaper. Dry Wall Repair. Snow Removal (Post Office). Mike Does All His Own Remodeling

Address: PO Box 76, Drifting, PA 16834

Phone: (814) 345-5507

Service: Electrical, Carpentry, Home Builders, Additions, Handyman, Heating, Remodeling, Appliances, General Contractors, Wiring, Water Heaters

HIC #:PA093847


Type:Residential Electrical Wiring And Repairs

Address: 168 Moskol Lane, Drifting, PA 16834

Phone: (814) 345-5250

Service: Carpentry, Remodeling, Custom Woodwork, General Contractors

HIC #:PA096346


Type:Home Improvement, Construction And Remodeling. Specializing In Kitchen/Bathroom Renovations And Custom Tile Work.

Address: 53 Linn Road, Drifting, PA 16834

Phone: (814) 592-4578

Service: Flooring, Interior Design, Painting, Exteriors

HIC #:PA119947


Type:Interior And Exterior Painting. Trim Work. Tile, Floating Floor, Hardwood, And Self Adhesive Flooring.

Date Issued:10-14-2015

Address: 56 Martin Ct, Drifting, PA 16834

Phone: (814) 345-6725

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Paving, Kitchen Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Concrete

HIC #:PA017628


Type:Decks, Garages, Siding, Windows, Doors, Roofwork And Repairs, Concrete, Bathrooms, Kitchens, New Homes, Pole Buildings, All General Construction Work And Home Repairs To Numerous To List.

Address: 496 Second St, Kylertown, PA 16847

Phone: (814) 345-6940

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Plumbing, Masonry, Remodeling, Electrical, Engineering

HIC #:PA038703


Type:General Contractor Type Services On A Small Scale. Construction, Remodeling And Repair. Carpentry, Cabinetry, Electrical, Plumbing, And Masonry.

Address: PO Box 132, Kylertown, PA 16847

Phone: (814) 553-9390

Service: Carpentry

HIC #:PA072194


Type:Carpentry, Residential, Less Than 3 Stores, Indoor And Outdoor.

Address: 830 Maple St, Lanse, PA 16849

Phone: (814) 345-6188

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Remodeling, Excavation

HIC #:PA062988


Type:Carpentry And Home Improvements.

Address: 1236 Maple St, Lanse, PA 16849

Phone: (814) 577-7566

Service: General Contractors, Bathroom Remodeling, Paving, Kitchen Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Siding, Concrete

HIC #:PA116386


Type:Kitchen, Baths,Decks,Siding,Roofing,Concrete, Garages ,New Or Old...

Address: 843 Maple Street, Lanse, PA 16849

Phone: (814) 345-5897

Service: Electrical, Carpentry, Handyman, Home Maintenance, Commercial Contracting, General Contractors

HIC #:PA102670


Type:Electrical Construction, Maintenance In Residential, Commercial And Industrial Applications Through Contractor Or Time And Material Agreements. Also Telecom Work In Residential Installations. Electrical Service And Upgrades To 400 Amp.

Address: PO Box 233, Winburne, PA 16882

Phone: (814) 553-6943

Service: General Contractors, Remodeling, Decks, Garages

HIC #:PA052553


Type:Provide Home Improvements And Remodeling, Garages, Decks

Address: 80 Roosevelt St, Winburne, PA 16879

Phone: (814) 553-5222

Service: Foundations, Framing, Flooring, Fireplaces, Fire Protection, Fences

HIC #:PA118852


Type:Install New And Replacement Doors

Date Issued:08-25-2015

Address: 885 Summit Hill Rd, Morrisdale, PA 16858

Phone: (814) 592-9562

Service: General Contractors, Bathroom Remodeling, Plumbing, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Siding, Windows, Electrical

HIC #:PA050607


Type:Kitchens Bath Whole House Remodle Windows Siding Decks New House Plumbing Electrical Etc.

Address: 4494 Morrisdale Allport Hwy, Morrisdale, PA 16858

Phone: (814) 496-3143

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, New Construction, Flooring, Fences

HIC #:PA109202


Type:General Contracting, Carpentry, Flooring And Fencing.

Address: 2651 Palestine Road, Morrisdale, PA 16858

Phone: (814) 473-6416

Service: General Contractors, New Construction, Home Repair, Remodeling

HIC #:PA115716


Type:Home Improvements

Address: 107 Elm Drive, Morrisdale, PA 16858

Phone: (814) 857-1728

Service: Plumbing, Home Repair, Heating

HIC #:PA112160


Type:Heating And Plumbing Repair

Address: 1435 Sington Road, Morrisdale, PA 16858

Phone: (814) 342-2296

Service: Painting, Doors, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Remodeling, Exteriors, Windows, Commercial Contracting

HIC #:PA029679


Type:I Mostly Sub-Contract To Corwensville Painters. I Am A Professional Painter. I Paint Windows, Doors, Eves, Walls, Etc I Am Professional Painter. I Mainly Subcontract To Curluensville Painters. My Skills Are Painting Windows, Walls, Interior Or Exterior.

Address: 37 Laurie Lane Lot 8, Morrisdale, PA 16858

Phone: (814) 577-7047

Service: Hvac, Handyman, Home Repair, Air Conditioning, Heating, Commercial Contracting, Refrigeration, Residential

HIC #:PA051898


Type:Refrigeration - Heating - Air Conditioning Service And Repair For Residential And Lite Commercial Business

Address: 3702 Allport Cutoff Hwy, Morrisdale, PA 16866

Phone: (814) 342-1831

Service: Flooring, Carpets, Vinyl

HIC #:PA035843


Type:I Sell Carpeting, Padding, And Vinyl Floor Coverings And Install Them In Homes.

Address: 228 Church Street,Apt1, Morrisdale, PA 16858

Phone: (814) 577-7263

Service: General Contractors, Remodeling, Decks, Siding, Windows, Sidewalk

HIC #:PA109143


Type:Small Remodels Including Siding,Windows,Decks,And Sidewalks.

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.