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Carpentry Contractors in Bessemer, PA

Address: 510 Wallage Avenue, Bessemer, PA 16112

Phone: (956) 459-5568

Service: Electrical, Carpentry, Home Builders, Additions, Home Theaters, Tile, Hvac, Drywall, Plumbing, Remodeling, Lighting, Commercial Contracting, General Contractors, Engineering

HIC #:PA057773


Type:Home Repairs-All Except for Electric, Plumbing, HVAC which requires licenses, renovations, additions, carpentry, cabinetry, drywall, tile work Etc.

Address: 810 S Main Street, Bessemer, PA 16112

Phone: (724) 712-4030

Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Home Builders, New Construction, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Doors, Lawn Care, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Exteriors, Decks, Patios, Siding, Windows, Landscaping, Electrical, Restoration

HIC #:PA040982


Type:Complete artistic restoration, renovation, remodeling and landscaping

Address: 16 Oak St, Bessemer, PA 16112

Phone: (724) 667-9381

Service: Roofing, Framing, Heating, Plumbing, Decks, Siding

HIC #:PA000506


Type:Drywall ,Tile,Painting,Small Porch Roofs,Decks,Siding,All Small Jobs ,All One Man Jobs,Nothing Big,Plumbing,Heating,Framing,Been In Business For 30years

Address: 535 South Main St, Bessemer, PA 16112

Phone: (412) 952-8167

Service: General Contractors, Home Repair, Remodeling, Commercial Contracting

HIC #:PA001409


Type:Residential And Light Commercial Repair And Remodeling.

Address: 1 Lakeside Drive, Bessemer, PA 16112

Phone: (724) 667-9237

Service: Painting, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Exteriors

HIC #:PA084204


Type:Interior/Exterior Painting

Address: 28 1/2 Best View Drive, Bessemer, PA 16112

Phone: (724) 667-4068

Service: General Contractors, Home Builders, Additions, Bathroom Remodeling, Home Theaters, Plumbing, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Windows, Concrete, Electrical

HIC #:PA043321


Type:Roofing, Siding, Windows, Doors, Decks, Bathroom Kitchen Remodels, Garages, Additions, Plumbing, Electric, Etc. Subcontract All Footer Block, Concrete Work.

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.