Address: 10231 Raccoon Valley Rd, Ickesburg, PA 17037
Phone: (717) 438-3776
Service: Cabinets, Handyman
HIC #:PA082403
Type:Contractor That Installs, Removes, Modifies, Services, Tests, And Inspects Underground And Above Ground Petroleum Tank And Related Equipment.
Address: 4200 Fowler Hollow Rd, Blain, PA 17006
Phone: (717) 536-3670
Service: General Contractors, Carpentry, Cabinets, Home Builders, Floor Refinishing
HIC #:PA080652
Type:Building Of Custom Cabinets And Furniture. Also, Refinishing Cabinets And Furniture.Custom Cabinets And Countertops.
Address: 99 Gideon Lane, Blain, PA 17006
Phone: (717) 536-3948
Service: Carpentry, Cabinets, Handyman, Custom Woodwork
HIC #:PA073033
Type:Manufacturing And Installing Wood Products, Specializing In Cabinetry.