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Bathroom Remodeling Contractors in White Tower, KY

Address: 11179 Staffordsburg Road, White Tower, KY 41051

Phone: (513) 921-5500

Service: Painting, Bathroom Remodeling

Address: 9878 Potomac Court, Independence, KY 41051

Phone: (626) 230-4856

Service: General Contractors, Bathroom Remodeling, Plumbing, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodeling, Decks, Roofing, Windows, Commercial Contracting, Electrical

License: California #794887


Address: 2931 Senour Rd, Independence, KY 41051

Service: Electrical, Bathroom Remodeling

License: Kentucky #ME64006


Type:Master Electrician

Address: 6831 E 32Nd St Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN 46226

Phone: (317) 860-2990

Service: General Contractors, Cabinets, Home Builders, Foundations, Additions, Bathroom Remodeling, Interior Design, Flooring, Tile, Handyman, Home Repair, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Paving, Tree Service, Painting, Plumbing, Home Entertainment, Fire Protection, Energy Efficiency, Home Alarms, Masonry, Remodeling, Lighting, Exteriors, Roofing, Commercial Contracting, Cleaning, Concrete, Design, Demolition, Electrical, Wiring, Moving, Custom Closets, Locksmith, Garages, Piping, Ceilings, Spas, Fans, Cabling, Plumbing Fixtures, Water Heaters, Pumps, Heat Pump, Showers, Furnaces, Home Inspections, Sewers, Drainage, Walls, Refrigeration, Exterior Lighting, Fountains

License: Arizona #256799


Type:Air Conditioning And Refrigeration

Address: 7614 Opportunity Dr, Fort Wayne, IN 46825

Phone: (260) 487-7858

Service: Bathroom Remodeling

Phone: (859) 225-7382

Service: Bathroom Remodeling


County:Kenton County

Type:Fire Alarm Contractor

All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.