Contractors DirectoryInformation on every contractor in United States

Architecture/Design Contractors in Lower Lake, CA

Address: 16963 Hofacker Lane, Lower Lake, CA 95457

Phone: (707) 292-7400

Service: Interior Design, General Contractors, Engineering

License: California #840204


Type:General Building Contractor

Address: PO Box 173, Lower Lake, CA 95457

Phone: (707) 318-7982

Service: Painting, Interior Design

License: California #1006648


Type:Painting And Decorating

Date Issued:08-20-2015

Address: PO Box 671, Lower Lake, CA 95457

Phone: (707) 994-1500

Service: Interior Design, Tree Service

License: California #654340


Type:61 / D49 - Tree Service, Tree Service

Address: PO Box 1309, Lower Lake, CA 95457

Service: Architecture, Custom Home Design



All data is collected from public records. We do not guarantee accuracy of information.