Address: 1650 Cove Mountain Road, Roaring Spring, PA 16673
Phone: (814) 729-7544
Service: Windows, Bathroom Remodeling, Tile, Air Conditioning, Kitchen Remodeling, Roofing, Siding, Alarm Systems
HIC #:PA120219
Type:Window And Door Sales And Installation As Well As Kitchens And Baths And Ceramic Tile Work. Also Roofing And Siding
Date Issued:10-28-2015
Address: 753 Mountain Road, East Freedom, PA 16637
Phone: (814) 312-7223
Service: Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating
HIC #:PA111970
Type:HVAC,Plumbing and Electrical
Address: 274 France St, Sproul, PA 16682
Phone: (814) 239-2335
Service: Plumbing, Handyman, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating, Remodeling
HIC #:PA054865
Type:Plumbing, Heating And Cooling Installation, Remodeling And Service.
Address: 920 Beaver Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Phone: (301) 695-6640
Service: Plumbing, Handyman, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating
HIC #:PA009107
Type:Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning Sales And Installation
Address: 570 Turkey Valley Rd, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Phone: (814) 695-6290
Service: Hvac, Handyman, Air Conditioning, Heating
HIC #:PA023734
Type:Service And Installation Of Heating And Air Conditioning
Address: 103 Green Drive, Duncansville, PA 16635
Phone: (814) 695-5131
Service: Hvac, Air Conditioning, Heating
HIC #:PA008012
Type:Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Manufacturing And Installation Of Sheetmetal Ductwork Suppy And Install Heating And Air Conditioning Equipment
Address: 29 Country Lane, Duncansville, PA 16635
Phone: (814) 317-5488
Service: Hvac, Handyman, Air Conditioning, Cleaning, Electrical, Pumps, Heat Pump, Furnaces
HIC #:PA109910
Type:Service Work And Cleaning On Oil, Gas, Electric And Boiler Furnaces, Air Conditioners, And Heat Pumps. Installation Of Furnaces, Air Conditioners And Heat Pumps In New And Existing Homes.
Address: 240 Harper Lane, Duncansville, PA 16635
Phone: (814) 695-2190
Service: Hvac, Home Builders, Handyman, Home Repair, Air Conditioning, Heating, Furnaces
HIC #:PA015774
Type:New Furnace And Ac Installations, Service Furnances And Ac.
Address: Duncansville, PA
Phone: (814) 599-3669
Service: Carpentry, Home Builders, Framing, Additions, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Fireplaces, Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Decks, Siding, Windows, Custom Woodwork, Commercial Contracting, Electrical
Address: 3793 Woodbury Pike, Woodbury, PA 16695
Phone: (814) 766-2228
Service: Hvac, Bathroom Remodeling, Handyman, Air Conditioning, Heating, Fire Protection, Commercial Contracting
HIC #:PA015265
Type:Distribute Petroleum Products To Residential Heating Needs, Farm And Commercial Diesel And Gasoline. Install Oil Fired Heating Systems And Heat Pumps. Install Central Air Conditioning For Both Residential And Commercial Uses.