Wensel Construction Inc
7886 Joplin Rd, Nampa, ID 83687
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Permits (3)
2235 University Dr, Boise, ID 83706
Date: Oct 21, 1999
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: Capitol village building #3 * to construct a new 2810 sq. ft., one story future retail shell building. built of masonry and wood frame construction. all construction per the approved plans and attached comment list. this is a shell permit only. no occupancy is allowed under this permit. a separate tenant improvement permit is required to finish this building for occupancy. site grading and drainage was submitted under bld99-02219. fire risers provided in each building for future tenant improvement. drh99-0123/cup99-0064/pc#712-99/jcm
Valuation: $15,500,000
Fee: $1,899.32 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R1013251406
Permit #: BLD99-02702
2243 University Dr, Boise, ID 83706
Date: Oct 21, 1999
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: Capitol village bulding #4. * to construct a new 3735 sq. ft., one story future retail shell building; built of masonry and wood frame construction. tihis building is being constructed on the north side of the office depot building. the building will be separated by a two-hour area separation wall. all construction per the approved plans and attached comment list. this is a shell permit only. no occupancy is allowed under this permit. a separate tenant improvement permit will be required to finish this building for occupancy. site grading and drainage was submitted under bld99-02219. fire risers provided in each building for future tenant improvement. drh99-0123/cup99-0064/pc#713-99/jcm
Valuation: $15,500,000
Fee: $1,899.32 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R1013251406
Permit #: BLD99-02705
800 E Citation Ct, Boise, ID 83716
Date: Sep 27, 1995
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: To finish a 3,464 sq.ft. tenant space for offices of wensel construction by building approximatly 2800lf of interior partition wall and a new 1-hr tenant demising wall to the roof deck, installing a new suspended ceiling, providing new exterior wall window openings on the west wall per revised engineering design, new floor covering, wall finish, cabinets, counters and finishes per approved plans and attached requirement list. special inspections by a qualified special inspector is required for all masonry revisions pertaining to this project. a mechanical, plumbing, and electrical permit is required for this project. a certificate of occupancy must be obtained prior to occupying this space. plan check # 541-95. prp initial certificate of value on file. elec. 6,000 plg. 3,500 mech. 8,000 combined pl/me 11,500
Valuation: $6,000,000
Fee: $750.82 paid to City of Boise, Idaho
Parcel #: R081195800
Permit #: BLD95-00850