Murphy, Patrick H
1330 Oakcrest Dr, Aubrey, TX 76227
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Permits (1)
27097 Boerne Stage Rd, San Antonio, TX 78006
Date: Jul 17, 2013
Permit type: New Construction
Description: // ap#1899280/plat 130544 leon creek estates enclave/ref:ap#1861607 // status: approved // jkrobot // 12.5.13 // please see comments/conditions below: -revision for "rahaei tract subdivision" or "leon creek estates" master tree preservation plan ap#1861607 approved jkrobot 12.5.13. revision to master tree permit available on k:/ drive and filed with plat 130544 -tree #3241 exempted for clear vision easement ok jkrobot/mbird -two, 1.5 inch caliper trees per lot required to be planted at building stage -a do-not-record hold (dnr) will be placed on the plat and the plat will not be allowed to record until a tree final inspection is scheduled to verify compliance with the approved master tree preservation plan -see updated preservation numbers below: floodplain canopy preserved: 111193sqft / 118125sqft [94% preserved] floodplain heritage preserved: 255" / 255" [100% preserved] esa canopy preserved: 50293sqft / 62790sqft [80% preserved] esa heritage preserved: 61" / 61" [100% preserved] uplands canopy preserved: 287155sqft / 673212sqft [43% preserved] uplands heritage preserved: 489" / 665" [74% preserved] mitigation for 528" of heritage inches met by excess canopy provided // general notes: it shall be the responsibility of the permit holder to maintain a copy of the approved tree permit and the conditions of approval imposed by the city arborist readily available at the site at all times during which authorized work is in progress. all offsite staging, storage, project trailers, employee parking, etc. is required to comply with the terms and conditions of the approved tree permit. 35-523 (k) 4 branch/root pruning & wounded trees: all broken branches & exposed roots 2" in diameter or greater of significant, heritage or mitigation trees shall be cut cleanly. for oak species, in order to prevent oak wilt infection, wounds must be painted within 30 min. 21-170 (b) general requirements: all wounds to the trunk, limbs, and root system of oak trees in the city that expose sapwood shall be painted within 30 min. of the wound with asphaltic, exterior oil or latex based paint. 35-511 (e) a protective barrier, beginning at the outside of the dripline of the tree, to protect the root protection zone shall be erected and maintained until construction is completed. a pre-construction meeting is required to review procedures for protection and management of all significant, heritage or mitigation trees. this can be scheduled with the fencing inspection, 207.1111. reference ap#1861607. // if you have outstanding fees, please notify me once fees are paid. if you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected] or (210)207-6042.
Fee: $100.00 paid to City of San Antonio, Texas
Permit #: 1899280