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Lavada Inc

499 Van Brunt St 8a, Brooklyn, NY 11231

Contact Information

(347) 948-8894
General Contractors, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Handyman, Plumbing, Swimming Pools, Garage Doors, Remodeling, Exteriors, Fences, Windows, Landscaping, Garages, Spas, Plumbing Fixtures
Artem Kozyr (Owner)

New York #604926
General Contractor - Registered, Cc - Concrete Cn - Construction Dm - Demolition

Status:Not verified
Harleysville Ins Comp

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Permits (3)

499 Van Brunt Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231

Date: Oct 14, 2014

Permit type: Hvac

Description: Alteration type 2 - mech/hvac new mechanical exhaust system to vent spray booth

Valuation: $500,000

Fee: $265.00 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 612/1

Permit #: 320983441-01-EW-MH

37 Newton Street, Staten Island, NY 10312

Date: Oct 4, 2012

Permit type: Plumbing

Description: Alteration type 1 - legalize, replace or install interior partitions and plumbing fixtures per plans, extend cellar with recreation space and install above-ground swimming pool in rear yard. enlarge existing two-family house and add cellar to ceretificate of occupancy.

Valuation: $12,000,000

Fee: $994.97 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 6442/134

Permit #: 520079076-01-AL

37 Newton Street, Staten Island, NY 10312

Date: Sep 18, 2012

Permit type: Plumbing

Description: Alteration type 1 - construction equipment - fence legalize, replace or install interior partitions and plumbing fixtures per plans, extend cellar with recreation space and install above-ground swimming pool in rear yard. enlarge existing two-family house and add cellar to ceretificate of occupancy.

Valuation: $12,000,000

Fee: $994.97 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 6442/134

Permit #: 520079076-01-EQ-FN

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