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Kay Waterproofing Corp

211 East 123rd Street, New York, NY 10035

Contact Information

(212) 348-3300
Roofing, Home Builders, Bathroom Remodeling, Flooring, Tile, Handyman, Home Repair, Home Maintenance, Paving, Doors, Tree Service, Home Entertainment, Fire Protection, Waterproofing, Stone, Masonry, Remodeling, Exteriors, Stucco, Windows, Landscaping, Concrete, Sidewalk, Miscellaneous, General Contractors, Chimney, Ceilings, Spas, Railings, Brick, Leak Repair, Restoration, Caulking, Walls
Steve Katz (Owner)

New York #002656
General Contractor - Non-Registered

Status:Not verified
Liberty Insurance

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Permits (20)

200East 74Th Street, New York, NY

Date: Apr 18, 2016

Permit type: Equipment

Description: alteration type 3 - ssp-no work filing herewith for ssp in conjunction with application #122670092. no work to be done under this application.

Valuation: $50,000

Fee: $195.00 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 1428/45

Permit #: 122713885-01-AL

200East 74Th Street, New York, NY

Date: Apr 18, 2016

Permit type: Remodeling

Description: alteration type 2 - facade facade repair as per plans filed herewith. no change in use, egress, or occupancy.

Valuation: $3,950,000

Fee: $625.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 1428/45

Permit #: 122670092-01-EW-OT

620 East 141St Street, Bronx, NY 10454

Date: Oct 15, 2013

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Alteration type 2 - facade facade repairs as per plans filed herewith. no change to use, egress or occupancy.

Valuation: $3,950,000

Fee: $625.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 2553/31

Permit #: 220338864-01-EW-OT

33 Beekman Place, Manhattan, NY 10022

Date: Aug 16, 2013

Permit type: Roofing

Description: Alteration type 2 - facade facade and roof repairs as per plans filed herewith. no change to use, egress or occupancy.

Valuation: $10,080,000

Fee: $624.40 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 1361/131

Permit #: 121097589-01-EW-OT

224 Naples Terrace, Bronx, NY 10463

Date: Dec 30, 2011

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Alteration type 2 - gen. constr. remove and rebuild 13' long section of parapet wall at northwest corner of roof. all as per plans. no change in use, egress or occupancy.

Valuation: $585,000

Fee: $275.30 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 5704/50

Permit #: 220159030-01-EW-OT

224 Naples Terrace, Bronx, NY 10463

Date: Jun 1, 2011

Permit type: Roofing

Description: Alteration type 2 - facade exterior facade repair from 1st floor to roof. repair all defective masonry (bricks,stone,etc.) and lintels. all as per plans. no change in use, egress or occupancy. sidewalk shed filed under separate application.

Valuation: $6,000,000

Fee: $706.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 5704/50

Permit #: 220110261-01-EW-OT

30 Bay Street Landing, Staten Island, NY 10301

Date: Jun 2, 2009

Permit type: Roofing

Description: Alteration type 2 - facade facade & roof repairs. no change to egress, use or occupancy.

Valuation: $10,126,000

Fee: $1,139.10 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 1/256

Permit #: 520004361-01-EW-OT

330 East 104 Street, Manhattan, NY

Date: Jan 30, 2009

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Alteration type 2 - facade masonry facade restoration. no change in use, egress or occupancy.

Valuation: $28,000,000

Fee: $2,972.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 1675/11

Permit #: 110384735-01-EW-OT

50 East 98 Street, Manhattan, NY

Date: Apr 23, 2008

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Alteration type 2 - gc masonry facade repairs and waterproofing. no change in use,egress or occupancy.

Valuation: $32,000,000

Fee: $3,384.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 1603/39

Permit #: 110062510-01-EW-OT

36 Hamilton Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10301

Date: Oct 4, 2005

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Alteration type 2 - facade repair facade repair including lintel replacement, brick replacement, pointing and caulking. no change to use, egress or occupancy.

Valuation: $20,000,000

Fee: $2,148.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 10/19

Permit #: 500799843-01-EW-OT

5550 Fieldston Road, Bronx, NY 10471

Date: Oct 8, 2004

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Alteration type 2 - restoration balcony repairs at 5500 and 5550 fieldston road as per plans. no change in use, egress or occupancy.

Valuation: $38,000,000

Fee: $4,002.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 5845/1825

Permit #: 200910283-01-EW-OT

5 East 98 Street, Manhattan, NY

Date: Sep 27, 2004

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Alteration type 2 - gen.constructn. the work shall include local law 11/98 exterior facade repairs as shown on plans filed herewith, no change in use, occupancy or egress.

Valuation: $25,000,000

Fee: $2,663.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 1604/6

Permit #: 103864285-01-EW-OT

33 Beekman Place, Manhattan, NY 10022

Date: Jun 14, 2004

Permit type: Remodeling

Description: Alteration type 2 - general const. repair parapet at roof and tiles for waterproofing at 5th floor terrace. no change in use, egress, or occupancy.

Valuation: $3,000,000

Fee: $397.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 1361/131

Permit #: 103759620-01-EW-OT

91 Payson Avenue, Manhattan, NY 10034

Date: Nov 21, 2003

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Alteration type 2 - gen.constructn. filing herewith for facade restoration as per plans filed herewith. no change in use, egress or occupancy.

Valuation: $2,600,000

Fee: $356.30 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 2248/1

Permit #: 103613742-01-EW-OT

730 East 232 Street, Bronx, NY 10466

Date: Dec 3, 2002

Permit type: Equipment

Description: Alteration type 2 - gen. const. filing herewith for restoration of facade as indicted on the plans filed herewith. no change to use egress or occupancy.

Valuation: $19,000,000

Fee: $2,045.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 4845/11

Permit #: 200727669-01-EW-OT

98 Park Terrace East, Manhattan, NY 10034

Date: May 16, 2002

Permit type: Windows

Description: Alteration type 2 - gen construc filing herewith for waterproofing and sealing of building. windows not to be disturbed. no change in use, egress or occupancy. shed application filed under application #103131184.

Valuation: $9,800,000

Fee: $1,097.90 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 2243/309

Permit #: 103160758-01-EW-OT

91 Payson Avenue, Manhattan, NY 10034

Date: Aug 8, 2000

Permit type: Remodeling

Description: Alteration type 3 - gen const replacement of the main roof north and e ast parapet walls, masonary rep irs at the north and east facades.

Valuation: $19,000,000

Fee: $2,045.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 2248/1

Permit #: 102728960-01-AL

58 West 58 Street, Manhattan, NY

Date: Apr 10, 1996

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Alteration type 2 - facade restore facade: concrete patching, masonry repla cement, install new flashing,ne soft joists and expansion joints. no cha nge to use, zoning, occupancy, fireprot ction or egress.

Valuation: $20,000,000

Fee: $2,148.50 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 1273/7501

Permit #: 101077576-01-EW-OT

17 Chittenden Avenue, Manhattan, NY 10033

Date: Feb 15, 1995

Permit type: Commercial Contracting

Description: Alteration type 2 - gen.constructn. rehabilatation of balcony as per plans h erewith, no change in use, egre s or occupancy group.

Valuation: $2,200,000

Fee: $315.10 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 2179/258

Permit #: 100921406-01-EW-OT

585 West 214 Street, Manhattan, NY 10034

Date: Nov 24, 1992

Permit type: Roofing

Description: Alteration type 3 - repair of exterior masonry,main roof repair & miscellaneous lintel & sill repairs.all work is routine maintenance of the facade under the guidelines of local law 10/1980. a sidewalk shed will be provided. no change to egress,use,or occupancy.

Valuation: $5,900,000

Fee: $675.00 paid to New York City

Parcel #: 2250/14

Permit #: 100459594-01-AL

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