Adam Reposa
1106 SAN ANTONIO ST, Austin, TX 78701
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Permits (8)
2016 Peoples St, Austin, TX 78702
Date: Mar 19, 2015
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: Partial demolition - rolling in and repermitting expired bp, pp, mp, and ep 2012-121849 for remodel and addition to existing single story res including addition of basement, addition at first floor and addition of second floor
Valuation: $19,396,500
Fee: $457.00 paid to City of Austin, Texas
Permit #: 2015-026105 BP
2016 Peoples St, Austin, TX 78702
Date: Mar 9, 2015
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: Partial demolition - rolling in and repermitting expired bp, pp, mp, and ep 2012-121849 for remodel and addition to existing single story res including addition of basement, addition at first floor and addition of second floor
Permit #: 2015-026105 EP
2016 Peoples St, Austin, TX 78702
Date: Mar 9, 2015
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: Partial demolition - rolling in and repermitting expired bp, pp, mp, and ep 2012-121849 for remodel and addition to existing single story res including addition of basement, addition at first floor and addition of second floor
Permit #: 2015-026105 MP
2016 Peoples St, Austin, TX 78702
Date: Mar 9, 2015
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: Partial demolition - rolling in and repermitting expired bp, pp, mp, and ep 2012-121849 for remodel and addition to existing single story res including addition of basement, addition at first floor and addition of second floor
Permit #: 2015-026105 PP
2016 Peoples St, Austin, TX 78702
Date: Dec 26, 2012
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: Remodel: foundation repairs and add a rear addn to existing single story single family residence for a bedroom, bath, laundry room. (existing legal non complying based on front setback and lot is an existing substandard lot- neighborhood plan adopted small lot amnesty)
Valuation: $5,200,000
Fee: $201.00 paid to City of Austin, Texas
Permit #: 2012-121849 BP
2016 Peoples St, Austin, TX 78702
Date: Dec 6, 2012
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: Remodel: foundation repairs and add a rear addn to existing single story single family residence for a bedroom, bath, laundry room. (existing legal non complying based on front setback and lot is an existing substandard lot- neighborhood plan adopted small lot amnesty)
Permit #: 2012-121849 PP
2016 Peoples St, Austin, TX 78702
Date: Dec 6, 2012
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: Remodel: foundation repairs and add a rear addn to existing single story single family residence for a bedroom, bath, laundry room. (existing legal non complying based on front setback and lot is an existing substandard lot- neighborhood plan adopted small lot amnesty)
Permit #: 2012-121849 MP
2012 Peoples St, Austin, TX 78702
Date: Oct 18, 2007
Permit type: Remodeling
Description: Remodel interior and rear exterior walls due to water damage. no demolistion of exterior wall will occur
Valuation: $250,000
Fee: $64.00 paid to City of Austin, Texas
Permit #: 2007-159654 BP